The Year's Highlight / Jahr

* The year’s highlight:

Aerobics as a sport has not just been tremendously accepted in the fitness and leisure area, but as a trend and competitive sport it already has a lively history behind it. It stands for dynamism, power, acrobatics, athletics, rhythm and coordination ability at the highest level: precisely for lifestyle. In the area of top-flight athletics there has been an enormous increase in the level in recent years.
More and more former gymnasts of both sexes from national and international elites have started a second career in aerobics.

From 4-6 June, the world’s absolute elite in women’s, men’s, mixed pairs and trios will be meeting in Hanover. Among the participants will be numerous current world champions who have to face young, progressive and ambitious competitors. The championship competition promises to be much more balanced and variegated than in previous years thanks to much new influence from music and dance.

On the 5th and 6th of June a super class Aerobic Convention will additionally be held in Eilenriede Hall and in the Glass Hall. Two days long, under the professional guidance of presenters like A J Green, Martha Lopez (1998 presenter), Marcel Baumann and Coco Jörn, aerobic fans will be able to choose from a total of 35 offers. There will also be different exhibitors providing information in the lobby of the Lower Saxony Hall on the latest ever-changing trends in the field of fitness.

Highly effective partners could be recruited with the sporting suppliers Arena, Longines results service, Lower Saxony’s toto-lotto, the mineral water producer Evian, the Hanover Congress Centre, the State of Lower Saxony, the sports association of Lower Saxony and the City of Hanover.

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GYMmedia-Infoservice, 05-05-1999