24. April 2010  
Birmingham, Great Britain  
Artistic Gymnastics

British Juniors repeat double success from 2008 ...

Sam Oldham  (84,575) ahead of Max Whitlock (84,275) ...
... that was the ranking of the all-around today at the Juniors final in Birmingham and with the repitition of their double-success of Lausanne, 2 years ago, the Brits underline their leading role in the area of European junior gymnastics.
Bronze goes sensationally to Pablo Brägger from Switzerland. It is the first all-around medal ever for the Swiss in a Junior championship.
With Christopher Jursch from Cottbus the best German came through with  80,400 points in 12th psoition. Daniel Weinert from Kiel is 16th of the 24 finalists.
This all-around competition took place without the gymnasts from Russia, the Ukraine and Belarus, due to the travel-problems due to the ash cloud.

Medal trio of the Juniors:
(middle), Max WHITLOCK (left.) - British double victory!
First all-around medal for Switzerland Paolo BRÄGGER!

Paolo BRÄGGER gets the first JEM-all-around medal ever for Switzerland