23. May 2011  
Minsk, Belarus  
Rhythmic Gymnastics

PREVIEW: 27th European Championships of Rhythmic Gymnastics

At the 27th EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS of RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS, which will held from Friday, May 27 to Sunday, May 29 33 nations will participate in the elite category and 23 with junior groups.
Altogether 74 senior individual gymnasts will compete in the general competition (C I), which includes the four apparatus hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon.
As a novelty this year concerns the junior groups with two presentations on Friday and Saturday and the final event on Sunday ...

The GYMmedia coverages are supported by
'SPIETH Gymnastic'

GYMmedia INTERNATIONAL will start with coverages from Minsk from Fiday, May 27 on.

S C H E D U L E :

* Friday, May 27
10 h 00 - 12 h 00      Junior-group competition - 1st presentation
14 h 00 - 16 h 30      Competition I - Group C (hoop+ball)
16 h 30 - 16 h 45      Break
16 h 45 - 19 h 15      Competition I - Group B (hoop+ball)
19 h 15 - 19 h 45      Opening Ceremony in MultySport Complex "Minsk-Arena"
19 h 45 - 20 h 00      Break
20 h 00 - 22 h 00      Competition I - Group A (hoop+ball)

* Saturday, May 28
10 h 00 - 12 h 00      Competition I - Junior groups, 2nd presentation
12 h 15                   Award ceremony - Comp. I - Junior groups
14 h 00 - 16 h 30      Competition I - Group B (clubs+ribbon)
16 h 30 - 16 h 45      Break
16 h 45 - 19 h 15      Competition I - Group C (clubs+ribbon)
19 h 15 - 19 h 30      Break
19 h 30 - 21 h 30      Competition I - Group A (clubs+ribbon)
21 h 45                   Award ceremony Comp.I - Seniors

* Sunday, May 29
11 h 00 - 11 h 45      Comp.III for Junior Groups
11 h 55 - 12 h 10      Award Ceremony Junior Groups
12 h 10 - 13 h 30      Break
13 h 30 - 15 h 40      Comp. III - Seniors (hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon)
15 h 50 - 16 h 20      Awards ceremony Seniors (4 apparatus)
16 h 30 - 17 h 00      Closing ceremony
19 h 00 - 21 h 00      Gala