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Britain’s junior gymnasts have won four gold and four silver medals on the final day of the 36th Men's European Championships in Sofia.
Nile WILSON was the star taking the pommel, parallel bars and high bar titles, with Giarnni REGINI-MORAN taking floor gold and vault silver, Brinn Bevan rings and parallel bars silver and Jay Thompson floor silver. A little sensation wa the gold medal on still rings, which was won by the historical first Austrian athlet, Vinzenz HOECK from Graz for his most difficult performance.
The results confirm Britain’s greatest ever junior European championships. The medals are added to the team gold and all-around gold (Nile Wilson) and bronze (Brinn Bevan) from earlier in the championships.
Die GYMmedia-Berichte von der JEM werden unterstützt von SPIETH Gymnastics
Nile Wilson said afterward: “It’s just the best week of my life. When we met this morning all the boys were determined to hear the national anthem playing today. The whole week has been incredible. I felt good starting on pommel today and then had to grit my teeth for parallel bars and high bar which was a big test but I was focused and was motivated and it paid off. It’s a great relief to have finished and have these medals around my neck. The support from my family and the entire British crowd today was incredible and I want to thank everyone who has helped me. It’s my last competition as a junior and now I have to move up to the senior level and I’ll do that with confidence.”
Giarrni said after “It’s the best feeling in the world. I had a bit of a minor injury scare yesterday but felt good today. Floor was great, I knew if I put in the performance of my life I would be right up there and I’m so happy to have done that. On vault I felt a bit of pressure and had to fight but I’m also really happy to have taken the silver. I kept telling myself that this was my big chance and I had to give it everything.”
Great Britains national Coach Barry Collie summed up the week for the British juniors “A lot of hard work and emotion goes in to our performances and we do it all with pride at representing our country. We train with confidence and courage and take that into every competition. The trust and belief between the coaches and gymnasts is always there. We have a belief and culture in the system that our gymnasts will deliver and there’s never a doubt in our minds that these lads will perform. We are very proud of all of them.”
The French followed thereafter by silver medal Zachari Hrmeche, who had already shared the bronze medal on vault with the Belgian Florian Landyut. The Swiss were in the end was a little happy, because after winning bronze on the floosr Sascha Coradi managed the same success on the high bar at the happy end of this day!
Germany's only hope lay with the former-achari Thuringian and now Berlin Nils Dunkel, who just missed this bronze medal at the pommel horse in fourth just to add a touch ...
GERÄTEFINALS - Junioren-EM 2014 , Jungen
1. REGINI-MORAN Giarnni (GBR) – (5,8) =14,700
2. THOMPSON Gaius (GBR) – (5,4) = 14,500
3. CORADI Sascha Alexander (SUI) - (5,3) = 14,466
4. VROLIX Jonathan (BEL) - (5,4) = 14,308
5. STARIKOV Valentin (RUS) – (5,4) = 14,233
5. KIPFER Silas (SUI) - (5,2) = 14,233
7. JACOBS Rick (NED) - (5,6) = 13,400
8. BARTOLINI Nicola (ITA) - (5,2) = 13,166
►► Detailed Results
Giarnni Regini-Moran’s floor routine was excellent, he confidently attacked his twisting tumbles, making light of a niggling ankle difficulty, his routine was greeted with huge cheers from coaches and the crowd to score 14.700 and gold. Jay Thompson was just as impressive and determined, his routine executed really well for a score of 14.500 and the silver medal. Swiss Sascha Coradi won his first bronze.
1. WILSON Nile (GBR) – (5,5) = 14,200
2. ELTCOV Sergei (RUS) – (5,2) = 14,025
3. BRESOLIN Simone (ITA) - (4,9) = 13,916
4. DUNKEL Nils (GER) – (5,3) = 13,833
5. HUDDLESTON David (BUL) - (4,6) = 13,783
6. POTAPOV Kirill (RUS) – (5,2) = 13,733
7. GLAZER Eyal (ISR) - (5,0) = 13,700
8. GRYKO Vladyslav (UKR) – (5,3) = 12,633
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All-around champion Nile Wilson continued his dominance of these championships. On pommel he was controlled and clean to score 14.200 points, well above his competitors for the gold medal.
1. HOECK, Vinzenz (AUT) - (5.5) = 14,433
2. BEVAN, Brinn (GBR) - (5.0) = 14,100
3. GLAZER, Eyal (ISR) - (5.3) = 13,966
4. DALALOYAN, Artur (RUS) - (5.1) = 13,900
5. GEORGIOU, Marios (CYP) - (4.8) = 13,716
6. KHACHATRYAN, Vigen (ARM) - (4.8) = 13,600
7. WILSON, Nile (GBR) - (5.2) = 13,433
8.. RUSSO, Andrea (ITA) - 4.8) = 13,033
9. NAGORNY, Nikita (RUS) - (5.0) = 12,633
►► Detailed Results
Da steht der Mehrkampfchampion und Bodensieger Nile Wilson schon ein ganzes Weilchen an der Spitze der Ringewertung und sieht seiner dritten Goldmedaille entgegen - da knallt doch ein junger Österreicher Vinzenz HÖCK die bisher beste Traumübung seiner noch jungen Karriere raus: Mit 5.5 die höchste Schwierigkeit und am Ende PLatz 1 - der erste Österreicher, der überhaupt ein europäisches Junioren-EM-Finale je erreichte, holt für die rot-weißen Farben einen Europameistertitel!! Glückwunsch auch nach Graz an seine engagierten Trainer Benno Poduschka und Jörg Christiandl...! Somit steht bis jetzt Österreich auch erstmals in der Medaillenbilanz vor Deutschland ... sapperlott, noch einmal!! Da darf der engagierte ÖFT-Nachwuchschef Dieter Egermann aber ehrlich stolz sein!!
Der 18-jährige Grazer setzte sich sogar deutlich mit über drei Zehntelpunkten Vorsprung durch: „Ein Wahnsinn, ich kann’s noch gar nicht fassen – alles hat perfekt funktioniert!“
Als Zweiter aus dem Vorkampf am Mittwoch qualifiziert, wurde Höck auf den letzten der acht Finalstartplätze gelost. Alle Kraftteile – u.a. Schwalbe, freie Stützwaage, 2x Kreuzhang – gelangen ihm ebenso optimal wie die Schwungkombinationen. Nach dem gelungenen Tsukahara-Abgang waren sofort die Arme jubelnd oben.
„Für mich war es ein Vorteil, als letzter dranzukommen. Ich hatte so die Möglichkeit, alle meine Gegner zu beobachten und gewann Sicherheit. Als mich mein Trainer ans Gerät hob, war ich voll fokussiert“, analysierte Europas neuer Nachwuchs-„Herr der Ringe“ freudestrahlend. Mit 14.433 Punkten verwies Höck den Briten Brinn Bevan (14.100) und Israels Qualifikationsbesten Eyal Glazer (13.966) auf die weiteren Medaillenränge.
Für Höcks persönlichen Trainer Benno Poduschka, selbst ehemaliger Eliteturner, hat „Vinzenz im entscheidenden Moment alles richtig gemacht. Er war voll konzentriert und ich selbst vielleicht sogar nervöser. Das war ein großartiger Auftritt, ich kann Vinzenz nur gratulieren: Sehr coole Sache!“
1. NAGORNYY Nikita (RUS) = 14,933
2. REGINI-MORAN Giarnni (GBR) = 14,733
3. HRIMECHE Zachari (FRA) = 14,466
3. LANDUYT Florian (BEL) = 14,466
5. BARTOLINI Nicola (ITA) = 13,950
6. THOMPSON Gaius (GBR) = 13,849
7. DALALOYAN Artur (RUS) = 13,816
8. KHACHATRYAN Vigen (AZE) = 13,783
►► Detailed Results
1. WILSON Nile (GBR) – (5,8) = 14,800
2. BEVAN Brinn (GBR) - (5,4) = 14,733
3. YERMAKOV Eduard (UKR) – (5,6) = 14,166
4. POTAPOV Kirill (RUS) - (5,7) = 14,100
5. HUDDLESTON David (BUL) - (4,7) = 13,233
6. ONDER Ahmet (TUR) - (5,3) = 13,200
7. STARIKOV Valentin (RUS) – (5,1) = 13,175
8. RIJKEN Frank (NED) - (5,2) = 12,366
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1. WILSON Nile (GBR) - (5,4) = 14,166
2. HRIMECHE Zachari (FRA) - (5,2) = 13,833
3. CORADI Sascha Alexander (SUI) – (5,1) = 13,666
4. SRBIC Tin (CRO) - (4,9) = 13,600
5. ONDER Ahmet (TUR) – (5,2) = 13,333
6. PFIFFNER Adrian Nestor (SUI) - (4,9) = 13,300
7. THOMPSON Gaius (GBR) - (4,8) = 12,466
8. POTAPOV Kirill (RUS) - (4,8) = 10,833
►► Detailed Results