19. August 2024  
Jahnturnfest 2024

100th Jahnturnfest: " ... here my soul rose again!"

Johanna QUAAS, the world's oldest senior gymnast, experienced the 100th Jahnturnfest 2024 (‘My favourite competition...!’) not as an active competitor this time, but as the official representative of this special anniversary in Germany:
"Oh it was lovely," said the ex-senior gymnast from Halle / Saale, "... to meet so many friends and acquaintances again that I had been with for many years. I would have loved to climb the parallel bars again myself, but unfortunately I haven't done any official competitions for a while now. No, really, there has to be an end to it, but my lifelong sport, my competitions, especially apparatus gymnastics, have given me such a marvellous life, and I've been able to perform to my current age!"

'Hannchen’, proudly presented, assisted by Olympic uneven bars champion (Moscow 1980) Maxi Gnauck a poster with her support balance - part of her sensational bars routine, with which she won here so often and with which she became world-famous on > Y O U T U B E !

... and how is she doing otherwise? "I continue to keep fit with my bed exercises in the morning and my daily fitness exercises on my balcony. Of course, I want to attend the 101st Jahnturnfest in Freyburg again next year, ... even if I turn 100 two months later.
But you should always have goals!"

Sincerely - Your Johanna
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