07. September 2023  
Halle/Sa., GER  

Johanna QUAAS: "... I would love to still join in the gymnastics myself!"

* Johanna Quaas (97 y.)-: "During my last visit 3 weeks ago to Freyburg, the city of the German "Father of Gymnastics" Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, for the 99th Jahnturnfest in August 2023, I met the organizers of the 1st Senior Women's International Meet Germany vs. Japan. (< Photo, left).
This is to take place on October 6 in Einbeck, Lower Saxony / GER. In the meantime, teams from the USA and Great Britain have also registered for this and our German men are even already doing their rematch against Japan, because their international match premiere already took place in Tokyo in 2022.