12. May 2018  
Magglingen, SUI  
Wheel Gymnastics

13th Wheel Gymnastic World Championships finished

For the third time, Switzerland hosted a World Championship of Wheel Gymnastics..
After 2001 in Liestal and 2009 in Baar, the 2018 the 13th  Wheel Worlds 2018 took place place from 6 to 13 May in Magglingen.
Around 112 top athletes from 13 nations participated in these World Title Fights.
* Venue was the Sport-Toto-Halle of the Federal Office of Sport (FOSPO). "RHÖNRADswiss" - the expert committee for wheel gymnastics in Switzerland - and the Swiss Workers' Gymnastics and Sports Association (SATUS) were the organizers of this event of the "International Rhönrad Association" (IRV).
* Germany was by far the largest WCh's squad with 28 athletes, followed by the US-Americans, who came with 18 participants. Japan started with 14 athletes, hosts Switzerland with 12. From Israel came 11 participants, as many as from the Netherlands. Also included: 7 Austrians, 3 Belgians, 3 Colombians, 2 Norwegians, a Brit, a Brazilian and a Greek.
   >> WCh Participants 2018   //   >> WCh Startlists
* ... more information / results on our German speaking website on
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