21. November 2014  
Las Palmas, Gran Canaria  

Finnish victory at the 6th TeamGym Blume-Gran Canaria 2014

The International TeamGym Cup in 2014 was carried out during the 54th International Festival BLUME GRAN CANARIA, today in the Sports University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. For the first time a Finnish victory, gained by a regional combination of the two clubs Alppilan Salamat & Voimisteluseura Kieppi with 46,750 points on the winner's lists.
Place two in this junior category (< 17 years) went to the British team "Olga", only scarcely behind it, with a score of the 46,150 place three the Austrian formation of the High school of Dornbirn (39,700 whose gymnasts gained the victory in the year before in their category).
With this 5th competition of 2014 was concluded here the series of the European TeamGym cup competitions which began in March in Ostrava (CZE), and about Cesenarico (ITA) in June, Bracknell (GBR) was led in the October and at last at Kergersheim (FRA) in November.

Finnish winner Team "UNITED", a combination of the two regional clubs Alppilan Salamat & Voimisteluseura Kieppi