28. November 2015
Ingenio / Telde

Already on the day before the official opening of the 55th BLUME Festival 2015 there was because of the abundance of events already first Galas in some cities of the island Gran Canaria:
In Aruca, in the green north, in Santa Brigida, but we decided the performances in Telde and we made a visit in Ingenio.
In the sports hall "Chano Melián" in the city INGENIO was expected during the morning about 400 Active participants, mainly from the educational institutions, schools and sports clubs of the city and surrounding areas. As an international BLUME guests joined z. B. to the 42 participants of the British Association "Hawth Gymnastics Club".
The significant role played by the gentle art of self-defense, reflected particularly in the event resists: Judo is strongly rooted tradition on Gran Canaria ...


Bereits am Tag vor der eigentlichen und Eröffnung des 55. BLUME-Festivals 2015 gab es wegen der Fülle der Veranstaltungen bereits die ersten Galas in einzelnen Städten Gran Canarias: In Aruca im grünen Norden, in Santa Brigida, doch wir entschieden uns die Aufführungen in Telde und Ingenio zu besuchen.
In der Sporthalle "Chano Melián" in der Stadt INGENIO erwartete man bereits am Vormittag ca. 400 Aktive Teilnehmer, vorwiegend aus den Bildungseinrichtungen und Vereinen der Stadt und der Umgebung. Als internationale Blume-Gäste trat z. B. die 42 Teilnehmer des britischen Vereins "Hawth Gymnastics Club" auf.
Die bedeutende Rolle, die die sanfte Kunst der Selbstverteidigung, spiegelte sich besonders in dieser Veranstaltung wider: Judo ist auf Gran Canaria traditionell stark verwurzelt  ...

27. November 2015
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

The International Festival BLUME GRAN CANARIA has especially in recent years, a new addition by some ambitious international competitions, which in the sports Judo. (- traditional sport in the Canary Islands), in artistic gymnastics male / female, the rhythmic gymnastics, aerobics and discipline "TeamGym" now enrich and complement the international competition gymnastics calendar.
In TeamGym Competition we now complete with the 7th International Tournament of European annual circuit ...

So the 55th edition of the BLUME Festival Gran Canaria 2015, al together 5 international tournaments ...

23. November 2015
Gran Canaria
In the 2015 World Gymnaestrada in Helsinki, the Spanish "Blume" organizers invite again to the Island of Eternal Spring:
Gran Canaria receives for the 55th time over 1,000 international participants from 26 countries and mixes these with thousands of children, adolescents and young spired adults of the Canarian archipelago and the Spanish mainland to a unique "Festival BLUME Gran Canaria". The namesake was once the end of the Fifties was the fourfold European Gymnastics champion Joaquin Blume who was killed by an aircraft accident.

