01. December 2016  
Telde, GC  

Intern. AEROBIC CUP Blume 2016

Remarkable spectator resonance took place today in the 100,000-inhabitant city of Telde - near the airport of Las Palmas in Gran Canaria, the contests of the "International BLUME-AEROBIC-Cup 2016": The atmosphere of an almost full competition hall accompanied the actors from three nations, From the Cape Verde Islands, from Spain and from Germany - with a youthful tradition that is also internationally recognized. The winner of the women's singles competition, for example, was enthusiastically acclaimed by Janka DAUBNER (20,800), one of Germany's most well-known aerobics winners, who won over 20 championships at home, their World Cups are double-digit Acting as a head coach and head of an academy of sports in her hometown correspond to her extraordinary sports career.