30. November 2022  
Maspalomas, ESP  

Maspalomas: All hell broke loose on the Yumbo stage ...!

  Festive GALA for the opening of BLUME

The first gala evening in the Yumbo Centre of the Canary Islands tourist metropolis Maspalomas started in a traditional folkloristic way:
First with Canarian sounds and typical local tranquillity.But then the bear was on the move: After the sporty start of the British Scarborough Gym Club, which has been a regular guest of this festival for years and heated up the mood among the guests with acrobatic fire and temperament, who had come to this opening despite the simultaneous soccer World Cup group match between Spain and Germany, there was already another emotional high: The "Lost Boys" from Finland whirled across the stage, a unique male troupe whose wild, ecstatic act was absolutely infectious ...
And on Wednesday, 30 November, the "GALA Jesus TELO NUÑEZ" is dedicated to the founder of this 60-year festival tradition and can be followed via → livestream (here, below, from 9 pm CET) ...

Lost Boys - the name of an Australian TV series that is also very popular in Finland led to the Finnish transcription: Kadonneet Pojat" --this was the name of the dynamic male troupe that rocked the Yumbo stage, and moreover turbulently celebrated the birthday of one of their comrades-in- arms in the process ...!

But also on the Canary Islands, the six decades of the BLUME Fesival idea have given rise to diverse forms of active, regular recreational sport from the long rather underdeveloped field of adult sports, such as here the GRUPO DE ACROBACIAS ULPGC from the University of Las Palmas, who are among the pioneers of this development:

(c) gymmedia/A. Schäfer

For example, former graduates of the sports faculty of the University of Las Palmas are doing a strong job:
Alejandro Rodriguez Jimènez and Tomas Hernandez Cabrera, who give weekly sports lessons to interested residents in the various towns for the Mogan Municipal Association in the south of the island, because a pronounced club structure on Gran Canaria only exists in the island capital at best:

Their course participants from various places in the municipal region of the south of the island presented excerpts from their exercise programmes:

The festival programme is already colourfully mixed at the opening!
For many years now, the "world-famous pyramid builders" of the Scarborough Gym Club from the north of England have been part of the festival, which is primarily known at home as a stronghold of the dynamic discipline TeamGym:

A special highlight of the first evening in Mapalomas was the performance of the Sport and Culture Club "SKC TaBeA" Halle from Germany, who presented excerpts of a special show - "I N F I N I T Y" and tested it for the first time in front of an international audience, which will only see its world premiere in their home town in Saxony-Anhalt after their festival trip in the week before Christmas:

.... but that will be another special story of its own in the coming days
of this diverse, colourful BLUME Festival programme in our GYMmedia reports!
(c) gymmedia / Eckhard Herholz
* Fotos: Achim Schäfer
