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Final Day 2 |
♦ At the end of these 45th MEN's World Championships of Artistic Gymnastics in Nanning, the gold medals went to 7 different nations. Only host China got two: After winning the team final, the debutant LIU, Yang beat the titleholder from 2013 Antwerp, the Brazilian Arthur NABARRETE ZANETTI. Athletes from altogether 8 more countries were standing on the medal podium in the venue of Nanning. In the Medal sheet China leads with two gold and one broze, but main opponent Japan, winning team silver and all-around gold by Kohei UCHIMURA, collected the most medals on men's side: 1 gold, three silver and two bronze, altogether 6 medals, while Japanese women were unsuccessful.
The biggest training camp of the USA, the "International Gymnastics Training Camp" (IGC) supports the daily GYMmedia WCh coverages from Nanning.
Russia's only world title won Denis ABLYAZIN on the floor. North Korea triumphed for the first time at the vaulting table by RI Se Gwang, who however had big injury problems.
After 18 years (Rustam Sharipow, 1996) there was another victory by Ukrainian Oleg VERNIAEV on parallel bars.
The highlight of the last day and the entire World Championships was the brilliant victory of the Flying Dutchman Epke ZONDERLAND, the most difficult exercise (7.7) brilliantly mastered and successfully with highest rating defended his title on high bar.
** FINAL DAY I - Saturday, October 11
M E N / Männer
* Denis Ablazin - RUS - ... 2 1/2 hop, double double layout small hop, double full to double front hop, layout Thomas, wide arm press, double Arabian piked small hop back, 2 1/2 to front full hop back, triple twist hop - very clean routine, huge tumbling but didn't stick any of his pass, although all of his hops on the landings were very small!
* Zapata Santana - ESP - ... first up - sat down on his full to double front, before that 1 12/ to double front piked, double double layout, thomas , double layout step on landings
* Kosmidis, Eleftherios - GRE - ... double full fwd to Rudi hop, 1 1/2 to double front a bit squat on the landing, double double tuck with a step, wide arm press, 2 1/2 to front full to stag leap, layout Thomas, full in mid size hop on the landing
* Kato, Ryohei - JPN - ... (second up) tuck full to triple full fwd step on the landing and may have bit just a little short of a twist, 3 1/2 to front half stuck, Thomas, 2 1/2 front full, triple twist dismount not stuck small hop 15.466
* Kim, Hansol - KOR - ... - double double tuck stuck, 2 1/2 tiny fwd tiny hop, wide arm press, 2 1/2 Rudi stuck, double full to front tuck full stuck, tuck Thomas, whip triple small hop to the side on the landing
* Hypolito, Diego - BRA - ... 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 step, double Arabian piked to full fwd stuck, double tucked Arabian to front layout, wide arm press, 2 1/2 to front double full, layout Thomas, triple twist a little short on the landing and took a big step forward on the landing 15.700
* Shirai, Kenzo- JPN - ... 3 1/2 to double full stuck, tuck full to triple fwd, whip triple stuck, V to press, 2 1/2 to 2 1/2largte step and oob, full twisting side Arabian, quad twist a small step on the landing to the side - 15.733
* Dalton, Jacob - USA - ... double Arabian hop on the landing, whip to double piked Arabian hop again on the landing, 1 1/2 to double full fwd stuck, wide arm press, 2 1/2 to front tuck full hop to the side on the landing, layout Thomas, triple twist stuck - 15.6 for 4th
1. ABLYAZIN, Denis (RUS) – 15,750 (7,1)
2. SHIRAI, Kenzo (JPN) – 15,733 (7,4)
3. HYPOLITO, Diego (BRA) – 15,700 (7,0)
4. Dalton, Jacob (USA) – 15,600 (6,7)
5. Kim, Hansol (KOR) – 15,500 (6,5)
6. Kato, Ryohei (JPN) – 15,466 (7,1)
7. Kosmidis, Eleftherios (GRE) – 15,050 (6,6)
8. Zapata Santana, Rayderley (ESP) – 13,900 (6,6)
► Detailed results
* GYM v i d e o --: FINAL MEN's FLOOR EXERCISES (Summary of the Chinese Gymn. Federation)
POMMEL HORSE(... the Finalists : Keatings (GBR) Naddour (USA) Tommasone (FRA) Ude (CRO) Likhovitskiy (BLR) Seligmann (CRO) Berki (HUN) Bertoncelj (SLO)
* Keatings GBR - scissor to handstand, one pommel sequence, up to handstand down to flairs, Russians in the middle feet apart to save a fall, spindle, Wu, to Russians at the end, Magayr, Sivado, handstand 360 piro dismount ---
* Naddour - USA - scissor to handstand, one pommel sequence, to Russian, spindle, Wu, feet apart, travel across a little messy again, Sivado, 360 piro dismount - cleaner than Keatings ---
* Tommasone - FRA - handstand down to scissors, twice up to handstand down to scissor, one pommel sequence, Russian across to Russian at the end, handstand 360 piro with a little hesitation during the pirouetting - cleanest set so far ---
* Ude - CRO - scissors sequence, up to handstand pro to flairs, spindle, triple Russian in the middle between the pommels, travel across to Wu, Magyar to Sivado to handstand single pirouette! amazing amplitude on the last routine. 6.7/15.783! ---
* Likhovitsky - BLR - long one pommel sequence, spindle, Tong Fei, Wu, Magyar to Sivado, one pommel sequence to a single pirouette dismount! ---
* Seligman - CRO - scissors, spindle, spindle at the end, one pommel sequence, Wu to Russians at the end, Magyar to Sivado to Russians at the end dismount - amazing amplitude as well! Croatia really knows how to train PH!---
* Berki - HUN - two scissor to handstand in a row, huge amplitude, long one pommel sequence, Russians between the pommels to Wu, spindle, Magyar, Sivado, to 540 pirouette dismount ---
* Bertoncelj - SLO - Kehr, one pommel Russians, spindle, Wu with the pommels, spindle again, Sivado, one pommel sequence to a dismount little hesitation on the press up ---
** Krisztian Berki regains his pommel horse title he won in 2010 and 2011!
1. BERKI, Krisztian (HUN) – 16,033 (7,0)
2. UDE, Filip (CRO) – 15,783 (6,7)
3. TOMMASONE, Cyril(FRA) – 15,600 (6,9)
4. Bertoncelj, Saso(SLO) - 15,533 (6,7)
5. Seligmann, Robert (CRO) – 15,400 (6,4)
6. Naddour, Alexander (USA) – 15,300 (6,8)
7. Likhovitskyi, Andrey(BLR) – 15,200 (6,5)
8. Keatings, Daniel (GBR) – 15,133 (7,1)
► Detailed results
* GYM v i d e o --: MEN's FINAL POMMEL HORSE (Summary, Chin. Gymn. Fed.)
( ... Finalists: Ait Said (FRA), Liu (CHN) Nabarrete Zanetti (BRA), Petrounias (GRE), You (CHN), Tulloch (GBR), Abliazin (RUS), Ignatyev (RUS).
* Ait Said - FRA - - roll to planche, lever down to invert hang, swing to Maltese, press up to invert cross, back giant, piked Yamawaki to swing to planche, roll to Maltese, bounce to cross, front giant, full twisting double layout stuck - (6.8 -15.566 ---
* LIU, Yang - CHN - roll to Maltese, down to hang to press up to invert cross, swing to planche, piked Yamawaki to Homna to cross, press up to invert cross, tuck Yamawaki to swing to Maltese, bounce to cross, swing to handstand, full twisting double layout stuck - AMAZING routine - every skill was absolutely even and held plenty... (6.9) - 15.933 (1) ---
* Zanetti - BRA - roll to planche, lever down to press up to Maltese, tuck Yamawaki to planche, roll to Maltese, bounce to cross, piked Yamawaki to Homna to cross, front giant small check, full twisting double layout small hop on the landing - (6.8) -15.733 ---
* Petrounias - GRE - roll to planche, lower to bounce to Maltese, roll to Maltese, back giant, swing to planche, bounce to cross, Homna to cross, piked Yamawaki to giant, full twisting double layout with a step back - (6.7) -15.400 ---
* You, Hao CHN - from a hang press up to planche, piked Yamawaki to Maltese feet low, roll to V cross, press up to Maltese, back giant, layout Guczoghy to Li Ning to cross, front giant, double double layout landed with a little chest down and almost stuck, but he did take a small step at the end - (7.0) - 15.700 ---
* Tulloch - GBR - roll to reverse Maltese, lever press up to Maltese, bounce to cross, piked Yamawaki to swing to planche, roll to cross, tuck Yamawaki to swing to Maltese, back giant, full twisting double layout step on the landing - (6.8) - 15.400 ---
* Ablyazin - RUS - roll to Maltese, lever press up to Maltese, piked Yama to tuck Yam to swing to planche, roll to cross, lever bounce to cross, front giant, back giant, double double layout with a small step on the landing - he had the highest amplitude of all finalists so far on the swing elements (Yamawakies and dismount) - (6.8) - 15.700 --
* Ignatyev - RUS - roll to Maltese bounce to Maltese, bounce to cross, swing to handstand, piked to tuck Yamawaki to Homna to cross, swing to straddle planche, back giant, double double layout hop forward on the landing - (6.6) - 15.266 --
!! - many Thanks to Intern. Gymnasts!
1. LIU, Yang (CHN) – 15,933 (6,9)
2. NABARRETE ZANETTI, Artur (BRA) – 15,733 (6,8)
3. ABLJAZIN, Denis (RUS) – 15,700 (6,8)
3. YOU, Hao (CHN) – 15,700 (7,0)
5. Ait Said, Samir (FRA) – 15,566 (6,8)
6. Petrounias, Eleftherios (GRE) – 15,400 (6,7)
6. Tulloch, Courtney (GBR) – 15,400 (6,8)
8. Ignatyev, Nikita (RUS) – 15,266 (6,6)
► Detailed results
* GYM v i d e o --: MEN's FINAL - STILL RINGS (Full version)
** FINAL DAY II - Sunday, October 12
* Finalists: Shirai (JPN) Sasaki Junior (BRA) Shek (HKG) Yang (KOR) Ri (KOR) Dalton (USA) Radivilov (UKR) Abliazin (RUS)
* Kenzo Shirai (JPN)
(1) - Yurchenko triple twist, nearly stuck, he was leaning to the side and had take a tiny rebound at the very end 15.058;
(2) - Kasamatzu 1 1/2 tiny step back on the landing - finals score: 15.062.
* Sasaki (BRA)
(1) - Dragulescu hop to the side and stepped over the line for .1 ND - = 15.066;
(2) - Tsukahara double pike with two big hops backwards, he was very close to the line or on it, and the flag for ND was raised again - final score = 15.016
* Shek - HKG -
(1) big Dragulescu hop forward and just barely over the line for .1 - 15.066;
(2) - Kasamatzu double full step to the side for another .1 deduction - = 14.999 average
* Yang (KOR) (defending World & Olympic champ):
(1) - Kasamatzu 2 1/2 sat down - he wasn't even close to landing this one - 14.466;
(2) - front handspring triple twist to the side and put his hand and knee down on the landing - = 14.416
* Ri - ( PRK)
(1) - piked Dragulescu step back on the landing (this vault had an enormous height) - 15.633
(2) - Tsukahara full in tuck two medium size steps to the side and went out of the line with both feet which is .3 ND - his coach carried him off the podium as he is struggling with a sore ankle - average score of = 15.416 (1.) for the lead so far!
* GYM v i d e o --: RI, Se Gwang (PRK) - World champion
* Dalton (USA)
(1) - Kas double full big step backwards on the landing and .1 ND for over the line - 15.133,
(2) - Randi (front handspring 2 1/2) - little bit low on the landing but nearly stuck, just a tiny hop at the very end - average score = 15.199 for second place so far.
* Radivilov (UKR)
(1) - huge Dragulescu tried to stick it but had to take two very small hops backwards - 15.200
(2) - Tsukahara double pike very small hop on the landing - final score = 15.333 (2.) for 2nd so far!
* Abliazin (RUS)
(1) - double pike over rotated took a few steps back and couldn't save it and put his hands down - 14.133 - he also crashed his second vault:
(2) - Yurchenko half on Randi off - under rotated and put both hands down - = 14.116:
* Quick Results:
1. Ri (KOR) - 15,416
2. Radivilov (UKR) - 15,333
3. Dalton (USA) - 15,199
4. Shirai (JPN) - 15,062
5. Sasaki Junior (BRA) - 15,016
6. Shek (HKG) – 14,999
7. Yang (KOR) - 14,416
8. Abliazin (RUS) - 14,116
► Detailed results
* Finalists: Kuksenkov (RUS) Deng (CHN) Kato (JPN) Verniaiev (UKR) Tanaka (JPN) Cheng (CHN) Leyva (USA) Whittenburg (USA).
* Kuksenkov (RUS) - ... front to support, Healy, peach half, peach, giant Diamidov short then steps, tried to save it with bail kip but hit his feet on the ground, front 1 1/4, back toss out, straddle press one bar, Stutz, double front half short and put his hands down - 13.666.
* Deng (CHN) - ... piked Dimitrenko, double piked bwn the bars, peach, peach half, giant double pike, front 1 1/4, Bhavsar a little low and his legs brushed the bars, Tipelt, Healy, double pike stuck - (7.1) =15.633;
* Kato (JPN) - ... front to support, peach half, peach, giant double pike, Tippelt, double tuck bwn the bars, Healy, giant Suarez, front 1 1/4, double pike stuck - (6.7) =15.666 (3.);
* Vernyayev (UKR) - ... front to support, peach half, peach one bar to Healy from one bar, peach, Moy, Tippelt, Healy, back toss out back in, double front half out stuck!! So light and clean---(6.9) =16.125;
* GYM vi d e o --: Oleg VERNIAEV (UKR) - World Champion!
* Tanaka (JPN) - ... front to support, Makutz,Healy, peach half, peach one bar, big arch and step, peach, Stutz, back toss out, piked press one bar, double pike step back
* Cheng (CHN) - ... front to support, double pike bwn the bars, peach one bar muscled, peach half, peach, giant double tuck, giant Suarez, Healy, front 1 1/4, double pike with several steps back to save a fall
* Leyva (USA) - ... peach, peach Diamidov, peach one bar, peach full, giant Diamidov full, giant Diamidov, giant, uprise Suarez little low, Stutz, double front stuck - very clean routine - = 15.933 (2.);
* Whittenburg (USA) - ... front to support, peach half stop on one bar and muscled, peach one bar not held, peach, Dimitrenko, Moy to front 1 1/4, uprise Suarez, giant Suarez, double front half out with a big hop backwards on the landing - (6.1) =14.366.
* Quick results - Parallel bars
1. Verniaiev (UKR) - 16,125 (6,9)
2. Leyva (USA) - 15,933 (6,9)
3. Kato (JPN) - 15,666 (6,7)
4. Deng (CHN) - 15,633 (7,1)
5. Tanaka (JPN) - 15,041 (6,2)
6. Cheng (CHN) - 14,866 (6,8)
7. Whittenburg (USA) - 14,366 (6,1)
8. Kuksenkov (RUS) - 13,666 (6,5)
► Detailed results
* Finalists: Zhang (CHN) Uchimura (JPN) Kuksenkov (RUS) Calvo Moreno (COL) Moznik (CRO) Zonderland (NED) Wilson (GBR) Belyavskiy (RUS).
* Zhang (CHN) .. one of the top favorites ... - Cassina, Kolman, stalder Rybalko, Tak to layout Tkatchev half, Tak full he was planning to go to Yamawaki, but peeled off with one hand and had to jump off the bar, until then the routine was perfect; he is well over the allowed 30sec to remount, actually his grip broke, Yamawaki, Rybalko, Endo full to el, double double layout hop on the landing - so unfortunate for him - 14.366;
* Uchimura (JPN ) - ...- Tak to layout Tkatchev, Cassian to Kolman, stalder Rybalko to mixed, Tak full to Yama, hop full, double double layout big hop forward on the landing - (7.2) =15.725;
* Kuksenkov (RUS) - ... layout Kovacs, Kolman, stalder Rybalko, Tak to Tkatchev half, 360 one arm giant, Tak full wrong way, Yamawaki, Endo full to el, full twisting double layout stuck - =14.533;
* Calvo Moreno - (COL) - ... Tak to Liukin, Kolman far and missed, Rybalko, Tak full to Yama, Kovacs, stalder Rybalko to mixed, Endo full to el, double double layout with a big step forward - 13.300;
* Moznik - (CRO - ... Edno full to el, layout Tkatchev to Rybalko, layout Tkatchev half, Tak to Tkatchev half, jam, stalder Rybalko, full twisting double layout hop on the landing - =15.000;
* Zonderland - (NED) - ... Endo full to el, Cassina to Kovacs, Kolman to Gaylord, Tak full, Tak, stalder Rybalko, hop full, double double layout small hop - sloppy form, especially flexed feet - but WOW - incredible releases! (7.7) =16.225 (1st)
* Wilson (GBR) - ... - Yama, Kolman, stalder hop full, Rybalko, layout Tkatchev, Tkatchev half, jam, stalder, double double layout with a hop on the landing - clean routine but lacking the difficulty of the rest of the field so far. - (6.2) =14.766.
* Belyavsky (RUS) - ... - Tak, layout Tkatchev, Tkatchev half, Endo full to el, Tak full to Yama, hop full, German giants, full twisting double layout hop on the landing - (6.4) =14.733;
* GYM v i d e o --: Epke ZONDERLAN (NED) - Gold Medallist on High Bar
** Epke Zonderland (NED) defends his title on high bar, Uchimura wins another medal and Croatia's Marijo Moznik wins his first world medal.
* Many thanks to Intern. Gymnast!!
* Quick results:
1. Zonderland (NED) - 16,225 (7,7)
2. Uchimura (JPN) - 15,725 (7,2)
3. Moznik (CRO) - 15,000 (6,7)
4. Wilson (GBR) - 14,766 (6,2)
5. Belyavskiy (RUS) - 14,733 (6,4)
6. Kuksenkov (RUS) - 14,533 (6,9)
7. Zhang (CHN) - 14,366 (7,4)
8. Calvo Moreno (COL) - 13,300 (6,7)
► Detailed results