04. October 2014  
Nanning, China  
WCh / WM 2014

WCh 2014 - MEN's Qualifying (Day 2)

After the two-days competitions of men's qualification at the 45th Artistic Gymnastics World Championships 2014 in Nanning (China) a powerful quintet leads at the top, which you should all give medal chances for the team final on upcoming Thursday, October 7 - showdown of the top 8 men's teams.
Especially host CHINA (362.698) has the biggest chances for gold, but also the second-placed JAPAN (361.609) and third-placed USA (360.393) have the greatest opportunities. Reserves for the medal fight disclosed today also Great Britain (357.193), but also Russia in 5th place (356.957) can intervene to precious metal in the final days in better shape still.
Again on top position ONE in the individual standings is again the exception of the current world of artistic gymnastics, the Japanese Kohei UCHIMURA, after his Olympic victory now seeking his fifth (!!) WCh all-around title victory in a row with a fantastic score of 92.165 points.

The biggest training camp of the USA, the "International Gymnastics Training Camp" (IGC) supports the daily GYMmedia WCh coverages from Nanning.

* SATURDAY, Oktober 04  (DAY 2, MEN's Qualifying)
... at last:
From their first routine, Germany took charge and ended on top of the team standings in Subdivision 10. Germany led the subdivision from the first rotation. Despite falls by Philipp HERDER (GER) and Fabian HAMBUECHEN (GER) on Pommel Horse in the final rotation, Germany could not be caught by the rest of the field. They finished with a total team score of 348.643 points. Finishing in order after Germany in team standings for the subdivision were Romania (341.516), Italy (340.599), Austria (324.068) and Azerbaijan (243.637).
HAMBUECHEN earned the top All-around score of the subdivision (87.731). Petro PAKHNYUK (AZE) followed with 87.332 points, and Andreas TOBA (GER) was third with 86.640 points.
In the third rotation, Alberto BUSNARI (ITA) appeared to injure himself during his Horizontal Bar routine, and hopped down from the apparatus.

* MEN's Qualification, Final Standing
* Team-Qualifikation:
1. CHN – 362,698; 2. JPN – 361,609; 3. USA – 360,393
4. GBR – 357,193; 5. RUS – 356,957; 6. GER - 348,643
7. BRA – 348,100; 8. SUI – 345,993

9. UKR – 345,540; 10. KOR – 343,594
Detailrd Results

* MEN's Qualification, Individual All-around
1. Uchimura JPN 92.165; 2. Belyavsky RUS 90.748; 3. Deng CHN 90.630
4. Whittenburg USA 89.631; 5. Cheng CHN 89.631;  6. Tanaka JPN 89.507
7. Kato JPN 89.331;            8. Verniaiev UKR 89.230; 9. Kuksenkov RUS 89.164
10. Purvis GBR 88.706; 11. Nonomura JPN 88.581; 12. Lin CHN 88.339
13. Wilson GBR 88.323; 14. Whitlock GBR 88.198; 15. Likhovitskiy BLR 87.840
16. Hambuechen GER 87.731; 17. Mikulak USA 87.665; 18. Sasaki BRA 87.522
19. Keatings GBR 87.465; 20. Pakhnyuk AZE 87.332; 21. Hegi SUI 86.831
22. Toba GER 86.640; 23. Tommasone FRA 86.266; 24. Shatilov ISR 86.132
25. Mariano BRA 86.131; 26. Ignatyev RUS 85.948; 27. Calvo COL 85.897;
28. Bataga ROU 85.889; 29. Lee HJ KOR 85.431; 30. Edalli ITA 85.264
       Detailed Results
       Live Results

                                   & Ind. LTU; MON; SVK; VEN) 
The US-men’s team is comprised of: Jake Dalton of Reno, Nev./Team Hilton HHonors (University of Oklahoma); Danell Leyva, Miami, Fla./Team Hilton HHonors (Universal Gymnastics); Sam Mikulak of Newport Coast, Calif./University of Michigan; Alexander Naddour of Queen Creek, Ariz./Team Hilton HHonors (USA Youth Fitness Center); John Orozco of the Bronx, N.Y./Team Hilton HHonors (U.S. Olympic Training Center); and Donnell Whittenburg, Baltimore, Md./Team Hilton HHonors (U.S. Olympic Training Center). Mark Williams of the University of Oklahoma is the head coach, and Paul Ruggeri of Manlius, N.Y./Team Hilton Honors (U.S. Olympic Training Center) is the alternate.
The U.S. men's Team began on the
* Pommel horse.
* Mikulak - scissor travel to the end of the horse, one pommel sequence, Tong Fei, Russian at the end, Magyar, to Sivado, one pommel sequence to a dismount to handstand with a 360 pirouette - clean routine - = 14.933:
- A. Naddour - best gymnast - pair of scissors to handstand, one pommel work nicely done, spindle, travel across, Magyar to Sivado to a handstand 360 piro dismount - 15.633, 2nd highes score behind Kristian Berki!!
* Still rings:
- Dalton  - kip to Maltese, press up to planche, roll to cross, piked Yama to tuck Yama to Maltese, bounce to cross, swing to planche, back giant, double double tuck with hop on the landing 15.400;
- Whittenburg  - roll to Maltese bounce to cross, swing to invert cross, piked Yama to swing to Maltese, roll to cross, swing to planche, back giant, double double layout with a hop back on the landing 15.500
  third apparatus result: 61,266, behind Russia and China)
* Vault:
- Dalton - 1st Vault: Kas double whit a step back but nicely done - 15.133; 2nd vault: front handspring 2 1/2 with a step back 15.233 Average: = 15.183 for 6th on this event so far.
- Whittenburg - First vault--Dragalescu with a hop back on the landing--15.20. Second vault--Tsuk full twisting double back--he had so much power that he completely over rotated and had to do a back roll out---What a spectacular vault--so high-- 14.100 (6.4). = 14,683 (22nd, only.)
* Parallel bars:
- Orozco  - front to support, Dimitrenko, pike double bwn the bars, peach, peach half, giant Suarez, front 1 1/4, Tipelt, Healy, double pike with a hop on the landing 15.400 (6.8);
- Whittenburg - front to support, peach half, peach to one bar, peach, Dimitrenko, Moy, front 1 1/4, uprise Suarez, giant Suarez, double front half out 15.533
- Leyva  - ... what a spectecular exercise (!) peach, peach Diamidov, peach to one bar, peach full, giant Diamidov and a half, giant Diam, giant, uprise Suarez, Stutz, double front stuck = 15.900 (6.9), the highest scor in this moment in front of Verniaev and Tanaka! ... and USA Team scored 62,099, behind China, in front of Japan, but after all the 4 rotations US team took the intermediate lead ...:
1. USA – 243,096; 2. JPN – 242,611; 3. CHN – 239,601
4. RUS – 238,693; 5. GBR – 238,328; 6. BRA – 234,186
* High bar:
-  Orozco - ... with Liukin, Rybalko to mixed, layout Tkatchev half, Tak to Tkatchev half, Tak full to Yama, hop full, full twisting double layout small hop on the landing 14.700
Orocco was the best, but the team reached 56,299 (6th) the weakest apparatus result of this competition and US team falls back on third place:
* Team score before the last rotation, on floor exerc.
1. JPN – 304,377; 2. CHN – 300,516; 3. USA – 299,395
4. RUS – 298,326; 5. GBR – 296,794; 6. BRA – 288,951

* Floor exercises:
- Naddour - full twisting double layout stuck, double full to Rudi stuck, 2 1/2 to front full stuck, Russians to air flair, wide arm press, tuck Thomas, full twisting double tuck with hop to the side; 15,366 (6.4)
- Dalton - USA - FX - layout double Arabian step and went oob, whip to piked Arabian double little straight legs on the landing, 1 1/2 to double full hop, wide arm press, 2 1/2 to front full stuck, layout Thomas, triple twist stuck 15.466 (6.7) ... at the end: third best floor result behind Japan and China and altegether also a third place in qualification team ranking:
* MEN*s Qualification Team result:
1. CHN – 362,698; 2. JPN – 361,609; 3. USA – 360,393
4. GBR – 357,193; 5. RUS – 356,957; 6. BRA – 348,100
7. SUI – 345,993; 8. UKR – 345,540; 9. KOR – 343,594
10. FRA – 343,385
     ► Intermediate results (after SUBDIVISION 9)

* Intermediate All-around results (before 10th and last subdivision)
1. Uchimura (JPN) – 92,165; 2. Belyavskiy (RUS) – 90,748; 3. Deng (CHN) – 90,630
4. Whittenburg (USA) – 89,631; 5. Cheng (CHN) – 89,631; 6. Tanaka (JPN) – 89,507
7. Kato (JPN) – 89,331; 8. Verniaiev (UKR) – 89,230; 9. Kuksenkov (RUS) – 89,164
10. Purvis (GBR) – 88,706; 11. Nonomura (JPN) – 88,581; 12. Lin (CHN) – 88,339
13. Wilson (GBR) – 88,323; 14. Whitlock (GBR) – 88,198; 15. Likhovitskyi (BLR) – 87,840
16. Mikulak (USA) – 87,665; 17. Sasaki Junior (BRA) – 87,522; 18. Keatings (GBR) – 87,465
19. Hegi (SUI) – 86,831; 20. Tommasone (FRA) – 86,266; 21. Shatilov (ISR) – 86,132
22. Oyakawa (BRA) – 86,131; 23. Ignatyev (RUS) – 85,948; 24. Calvo Moreno (COL) – 85,897
... the best placed US gymnast Donnell WHITTENBURG (rank 4) in interview:
* GYM v i d e o ..:


* RUS --: Russia with similar strong start at the floor routines, like the Japanese; Ablyazin is the strongest jumper of these Worlds - gorgeous 16.066 points for him - trumps even the Japanese "whorl" Shirai;
- Russia's strongest apparatus result (61.748), just behind the Japanese, almost better than China.
On pommel horse Belyavsky fails almost at the final collection (15.233). On rings are the Russians expected a power nation (61.365 - highest score!), and Alblyazin (15.866) is just behind the Chinese Liu, Yao (15.933).
At parallel bar Kuksenkov as their best gymnast (5 / 15,400) might create just the final (?). Apart from Ukrainian top man Vernyayev (15.766) the following 6 places are behind him firmly in Asian hands!
For Kuksenkov has on high bar (15.133) is still a hope, while Belyavskiy sure will scars almost over ...
Russia is by this device passage on a "streaky", but absolutely not intoxicating fourth rank:
* Intermediate results after Sub. 8:
1. CHN – 362,698; 2. JPN – 361,609; 3. GBR – 357,193
4. RUS – 356,957: 5. BRA – 348,100: 6. SUI – 345,993
7. UKR – 345,540: 8. KOR – 343,594: 9. FRA – 343,385
10. CAN – 340,568
      > Intermediate results (after SUB 8)

JPN--: The Japanese began furiously to floor with far the highest team value (62.882):
Kato, Uchimura and especially World Champion Shirai (16,033 = second best value behind Ablyazin, before Hypolito) put fragrance brands!
Japan puts on the pommel horse as strong continued: second best value behind the British team, but provides each with a capacity not final placement.
Rings and vault are normal, only Shirai on vault with final hopes (?).
On parallel bars Tanaka (15,700) and Ryohei Kato (15.533) should have reached the final.
Until then, the Japanese, the significantly ahead of China and the UK, but fell after a nervous, weak stretching high bar routines (-1.089 points) behind China;
- but beware: behind Zonderland (NED) on high bar Kohei Uchimura (15,200) mixed sure  still with ...!
* SUI --: At the support apparatus pommel horse and parallel bars were good, but floor and vault with reserves, also weak highbar rotation, but currently 5th place (345.993), just behind Brazil and ahead of Ukraine and Korea: that should more than the safe taken qualification for the upcoming Olympic nomination World Championships 2015 in Glasgow!
* Intermediate results after Sub.7:
1. CHN – 362,698;  2. JPN – 361,609;  3. GBR – 357,193
4. BRA – 348,100;  5. SUI – 345,993;   6. UKR – 345,540
7. KOR – 343,594;  8. FRA – 343,385;  9. CAN – 340,568
  > Intermediate results

SUBDIVISION 6: (from 09.00 am, local time)
    (DEN; FRA; KAZ; AUS; . & Ind. JOR, GEO, GUA, ARM; THA; QAT)
 > Intermediate resultsafter Sub 6:
1. CHN – 362,698; 2. GBR – 357,193; 3. BRA – 348,100
4. UKR – 345,540: 5. KOR – 343,594; 6. FRA – 343,385
7. CAN – 340,568; 8. BLR – 340,367

FRIDAY, Oktober 03
(> Startlist SUBD. 1 - 10)

* SUBDIVISION 5: ( - last of Day 1)
  (POR; GBR; COL; POL; IRL; ... & Ind. RSA; ECU;)
Great Britain beats the Chinese only on pommel hosre, but the Chinese host took the lead with more than 5 points at the end of the first qualification day ...:

* Intermediate Team Results - DAY 1
1. CHN – 362,698;  2. GBR – 357,193;  3. BRA – 348,100

4. UKR – 345,540;     5. KOR – 343,594;     6. CAN – 340,568
7. BLR – 340,367;      8. ESP – 336,760;     9. COL – 336,058
10. NED – 335,051;  11. BEL – 334,385;   12. PUR – 330,657
13. ISR – 323,702;  14. POR – 323,340;   15. UZB – 322,526
16. IRL – 321,077;   17. POL – 316,626;   18. CHI – 316,049
19. EGY – 307,958;  20. BUL – 304,341;  21. SIN – 296,524
22. PRK – 292,242;  23. HKG – 283,925;  24. CRO – 108,397
  Intermediate TEAM results

* Individual Results - DAY 1
1. Deng (CHN) – 90,630;  2. Cheng (CHN) – 89,631; 3. Verniaiev (UKR) – 89,230

4. Purvis (GBR) – 88,706;  5. Lin (CHN) – 88,339;  6. Wilson (GBR) – 88,323
7. Whitlock (GBR) – 88,198;  8. Likhovitskyi (BLR) – 87,840;  9. Sasaki Junior (BRA) – 87,522
10. Keatings (GBR) – 87,465;  11. Shatilov (ISR) – 86,132;  12. Oyakawa (BRA) – 86,131
13. Calvo Moreno (COL) – 85,897;  14. Lee (KOR) – 85,431;  15. Yermak (UKR) – 84,632;
16. Barkalau (BLR) – 84,430
    Intermediate Individual results

Host China took the lead after this subdivision:
LIU, Yao performed the best exercise on still rings : (6.9) = 15,933,

... and the Chinese team made a strong parallel bars rotation...:
* VIDEO: > C H I N A  on parallel bars ...:

* VIDEO --: ... and here is the parallel bars exercise of
>> Epke ZONDERLAND (NED) - (6,6 = 15.030 points.

     -  LIVE SCORES: Longines provide a results service freely accessible on the internet for this event at this link