World GYM Calendar Rhythmic Gymnastics / Rhythmische Gymnastik

< back to overview (Jahresübersicht)         Year / Kalenderjahr: 2005

January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December

January Location Nation Event Partic/Info
22.01.2005 Mulhouse FRA FIG International Judges Course RG - sen.
22.01.2005 Manila PHI FIG International Judges Course RG - sen.
26.01.2005 Madrid ESP FIG International Judges Course RG - sen.
27.01.2005 Edmonton, Alberta CAN FIG International Judges Course RG - sen.
30.01.2005 San Francisco USA 11th San Francisco Invitational RG ind, sen+jun
February Location Nation Event Partic/Info
04.02.2005 Sofia BUL FIG International Judges Course RG - sen.
05.02.2005 Colorado Springs USA FIG International Judges Course RG - sen.
15.02.2005 Tartu EST FIG International Judges Course RG - sen.
20.02.2005 Karlsruhe GER FIG International Judges Course RG - sen.
23.02.2005 Johannesburg RSA FIG International Judges Course RG - sen.
March Location Nation Event Partic/Info
02.03.2005 Tokyo JPN FIG International Judges Course RG - sen.
03.03.2005 Madeira POR Intl. Tournament of Madeira RG, AG, sen.
04.03.2005 Lilleshall GBR FIG International Judges Course RG - sen.
05.03.2005 Dillingen GER 3. Nationen-Team-Cup 2005 RG, jun, jgd, teams
05.03.2005 Moscow RUS Grand Prix: Int. Tournament Moscow RG
11.03.2005 Calais FRA International Tournament 'Coupe d'Opale' RG
12.03.2005 Ljubljana SLO 7th Slovenian Challenge Tournament RG sen+jun
12.03.2005 Kiev UKR GRAND PRIX 2005 RG
26.03.2005 Thias FRA GRAND PRIX 2005 RG
April Location Nation Event Partic/Info
01.04.2005 Portimao POR Intl. Tournament of Portimao RG sen+jun
03.04.2005 ?? ESP FIG International Judges Course RG - sen.
09.04.2005 Ljubljana SLO 18th NARODNI DOM TOURNAMENT RG sen+jun
23.04.2005 Minsk BLR Grand Prix Tournament RG
23.04.2005 Bremen / Dahn GER GER, nat.: Regional-Meisterschaften (Nord/Süd) RG, national
May Location Nation Event Partic/Info
01.05.2005 Kuala Lumpur MAS FIG International Judges Course RG - sen.
06.05.2005 Corbeil-Essones FRA FIG World Cup: World Cup 2005 rg
08.05.2005 Geneva SUI International Tournament, Jun. Groups RG, jun. groups
13.05.2005 Antwerp BEL 5th NO LIMITS OPEN RG ind, sen+jun
13.05.2005 Baku AZE World Cup Qualifying Event RG
16.05.2005 Holon ISR FIG International Judges Course RG - sen.
16.05.2005 Berlin GER Nat's.: German National Champs RG, all categories
19.05.2005 Holon ISR GRAND PRIX 2005 RG
30.05.2005 Bourgas BUL GRAND PRIX: 'Julieta Shishmanova Prize' RG
June Location Nation Event Partic/Info
09.06.2005 Moscow RUS 21st EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS RG sen+jun
July Location Nation Event Partic/Info
01.07.2005 Almeria ESP 15th Mediterranean Games RG, AG, sen.
15.07.2005 Duisburg GER 7th WORLD GAMES RG groups, TR, AC, AE, TUM
29.07.2005 Varna BUL World Cup, Indiv. + groups RG, ind+groups
August Location Nation Event Partic/Info
11.08.2005 Izmir TUR 23rd SUMMER UNIVERSIADE RG, AG, sen.
11.08.2005 Indianapolis USA Na.: US Rhythmic Nationals 2005 RG jun+elite
19.08.2005 Tokyo JPN Japanese AEON Trials (Club championships) RG jun+elite
September Location Nation Event Partic/Info
02.09.2005 Deventer NED GRAND PRIX 2005 'Alfred Vogel' RG
16.09.2005 Berlin GER Grand Prix: Berlin Masters RG
23.09.2005 Duesseldorf GER 'Henkel Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup' (Cat. A) RG, Groups
October Location Nation Event Partic/Info
15.10.2005 Schmiden GER Meet: GER - RUS - JPN - POL RG jun+elite
22.10.2005 Tokyo GER JPN nat.: 'Chacott' Championships RG, jun
26.10.2005 Tokyo JPN AEON CUP 2005 RG, teams
November Location Nation Event Partic/Info
04.11.2005 Hyogo JPN Nat's.: Japanese National Championships 2005 RG, national
December Location Nation Event Partic/Info
03.12.2005 ?? ?? 4th Finals of European Cup for Clubs RG, AG, teams
European Gymnastics Service
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