World GYM Calendar Rhythmic Gymnastics / Rhythmische Gymnastik

< back to overview (Jahresübersicht)         Year / Kalenderjahr: 2007

January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December

January Location Nation Event Partic/Info
17.01.2007 Sydney AUS Australian Youth Olympic Festival RG, AG, TRA
February Location Nation Event Partic/Info
10.02.2007 Tartu EST 13th Miss Valentine Cup 2007 RG, ind+groups
22.02.2007 Vancouver, BC CAN North Shore Invitational RG
23.02.2007 Tokyo JPN Nat.: Japanese Children Championships 2007 RG, childs (national)
March Location Nation Event Partic/Info
02.03.2007 Madeira POR Intern. Tournament 2007 RG + AG
02.03.2007 Moscow RUS (1) GRAND PRIX, Moscow RG, elite
10.03.2007 Schmiden GER Schmiden INTERNATIONAL 2007 RG, elite + jun.
16.03.2007 Kiev UKR WORLD CUP, Cat. A 'Intern. Derjugina Cup 2007' RG, elite
23.03.2007 Thias FRA (2) GRAND PRIX, Thias RG, elite
30.03.2007 Calais FRA Intern. TOURNAMENT 2007, ind. RG, ind.
April Location Nation Event Partic/Info
07.04.2007 Stoke on Trent GBR 1. LG Rhythmic Gymnastics INTERNATIONAL RG
07.04.2007 Ljubljana SLO 20th MTM Tournament RG, elite + jun.
20.04.2007 Marbella ESP (3) GRAND PRIX. (1. Meeting GP Committee) RG, elite
21.04.2007 St. Petersburg RUS Intern. Tournament, groups RG, groups
26.04.2007 Portimao POR WORLD CUP, Cat. A, Groups and XXI. Intl. Tournament RG, groups + juniors
May Location Nation Event Partic/Info
04.05.2007 Burgas BUL (4) GRAND PRIX, Bourgos RG, elite
11.05.2007 Corbeil-Essonnes FRA WORLD CUP, Cat.A, Intern. Tournament 2007 RG, ind.
17.05.2007 Antwerp BEL 7th Intern. No Limits 2007 RG, elite + jun.
17.05.2007 Minsk BLR (5) GRAND PRIX + WORLD CUP Groups RG, elite ind.+groups,
25.05.2007 Brno CZE (6) GRAND PRIX, Brno RG, elite
25.05.2007 Mol BEL 9th INTERN. RHYTHMIC CUP 2007 RG, ind.
26.05.2007 Nijny Novgorod RUS WORLD CUP, Groups; Cat. B RG, groups
27.05.2007 Bremen (?) GER Nat.: German Nationals 2007 RG elite + jun.
June Location Nation Event Partic/Info
07.06.2007 Holon ISR (7) GRAND PRIX, Holon RG, elite
09.06.2007 Genoa ITA WORLD CUP, Cat. A RG, groups
28.06.2007 Baku AZE 23rd EUROPEAN CHAMPIONCHIPS 2007 RG, elite + jun.
July Location Nation Event Partic/Info
02.07.2007 Trabzon TUR 1st Black Sea Games 2007 RG, elite + jun.
05.07.2007 Algier ALG 9th African Games 2007 RG, AG, TR
14.07.2007 Rio de Janeiro BRA 15th PAN AMERICAN GAMES 2007 RG, AG
August Location Nation Event Partic/Info
08.08.2007 Bangkok THA 24th Summer UNIVERSIADE 2007 RG, AG, TR
11.08.2007 Tel Aviv ISR RG World Cup 2007, Groups RG, groups
12.08.2007 Chiba JPN All Japanese Club Championships 2007 RG, national
31.08.2007 Ljubljana SLO WORLD CUP, Indiv.; Cat. B RG, ind.
31.08.2007 Deventer NED (8) GRAND PRIX, Deventer RG, elite
September Location Nation Event Partic/Info
19.09.2007 Patras GRE 28th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2007 RG, elite
October Location Nation Event Partic/Info
06.10.2007 Tokyo JPN Intern. AEON Cup 2007 RG elite + jun.
13.10.2007 Berlin GER (9) GRAND PRIX, 'Berlin Masters' RG, elite
20.10.2007 Mülheim a.d.Ruhr GER Nat.: German Nationals 2007, groups RG, elite + jun.
22.10.2007 Tokyo JPN Nat.: 25th All JAPAN Juniors Championships 2007 RG, jun.
27.10.2007 Bregenz AUT Nat.: Austrian National Championships 2007 RG
November Location Nation Event Partic/Info
16.11.2007 Innsbruck AUT (10) GRAND PRIX FINAL 2007, (2. Meeting GP Comm.) AG, best of circuit
17.11.2007 Dillingen GER Mini Cup 2007 RG, youth
22.11.2007 Tokyo JPN Nat.: 60 All Japan RG Championships 2007 RG, elite
December Location Nation Event Partic/Info
07.12.2007 BEIJING CHN Pre-Olympics 2007 RG, ind.
European Gymnastics Service
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