World GYM Calendar Trampoline / Trampolinturnen

< back to overview (Jahresübersicht)         Year / Kalenderjahr: 2013

January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December

January Location Nation Event Partic/Info
18.01.2013 Holon ISR Israeli Cup of Trampoline 2013 TR, TUM
19.01.2013 Sydney AUS Australian Youth Olympic Festival 2013 TR, youth
February Location Nation Event Partic/Info
02.02.2013 Weingarten GER Nat.. Deutsche Hochschulmeisterschaften 2013 TR, students
21.02.2013 Hannover GER Nat.: 2. Leine-Pokal 2013 TR
March Location Nation Event Partic/Info
02.03.2013 Grasdorf GER Nat.: 2. Leine-Pokal 2013 TR, youth
16.03.2013 Aalsmeer NED 20th Intern. Aalsmeer Flower Cup 2013 TR
23.03.2013 Mainz GER Intern. Rheinhessen-Pokal 2013 TR
30.03.2013 Haslev DEN Intern. Haslev Cip 2013 TR
April Location Nation Event Partic/Info
20.04.2013 - div. - GER Nat.: German National League (day 1) TR, teams
20.04.2013 Cottbus GER Nat.: Pokal der Deutschen Turn-Talentschulen 2013 TR, talents
27.04.2013 - div. - GER Nat.: German Bundes League (day 2) TR, teams
May Location Nation Event Partic/Info
04.05.2013 Munich GER Munich Air Challenge 2013 TR
11.05.2013 Cottbus GER 2nd Intern. GymCity Open 2013 TR, youth
18.05.2013 Rhein-Neckar GER Intern. German Turnfest 2013 TR, DTM,
June Location Nation Event Partic/Info
01.06.2013 - div. - GER Nat.: German Bundes League (day 3) TR, teams
08.06.2013 - div. - GER Nat.: German Bundes League (day 4) TR, teams
15.06.2013 Schwäbisch Gmünd GER Nat.: Schwabenpokal 2013 (= 2. WM-Quali.) TR
22.06.2013 n.n. GER Nat.: German Bundes League (FINAL) TR
July Location Nation Event Partic/Info
25.07.2013 Cali COL 9th WORLD GAMES 2013 TR, SYN, DMT, TUM
August Location Nation Event Partic/Info
19.08.2013 Rabenberg GER German / French Youth Camp TR, youth
31.08.2013 n.n. GER Dual Meet, youth: Germany - Switzerland 2013 TR, youth
September Location Nation Event Partic/Info
06.09.2013 Loule POR (1) WORLD CUP 2013 TR, elite
14.09.2013 Nottuln GER Kiepenkerl-Cup 2013 TR
21.09.2013 Bielefeld GER Teuto-Cup 2013 TR
28.09.2013 s' Hertogenbosch NED Intern. Oldies Cup 2013 TR, oldies
28.09.2013 Ostfildern GER Nat.; 4. Filder-Pokal 2013 TR
October Location Nation Event Partic/Info
04.10.2013 Odense DEN (2) WORLD CUP 2013 TR, elite
05.10.2013 Rabenberg GER Intern. LOK Cup 2013 TR
05.10.2013 Sörup GER Intern. Ostsee-Pokal 2013 TR
19.10.2013 Cottbus GER 'GymCity Open 2013' TR
20.10.2013 n.n. GER Dual Meet, youth: Germany - Great Britain 2013 TR, youth
November Location Nation Event Partic/Info
07.11.2013 Sofia BUL 29th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2013 TR, elite
11.11.2013 Sofia GER World Age Group Competitions 2013 TR, jun/youth
30.11.2013 Dillenburg GER German Nationals (Teams) & LTV-Pokal TR, teams
December Location Nation Event Partic/Info
07.12.2013 Darmstadt GER Nat.: Felsing-Pokal 2013 TR
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