29. December 2011  
Riccione, Italy  
Happy Gymnastics

European GYM Festival (EGF): Waiting List for the 11. Festival del Sole 2012

Less than 30 days after opening registrations, the Italian organizers of the 11th FESTIVAL del SOLE 2012 have already reached the number of 120 participating groups and thus they declared that we have closed the registrations for this edition of the Festival del Sole.
In case you have not been able to register yet, please note that you can put your group in the waiting list, by sending us the registration form starting today.
The groups that will be placed on the waiting list will have to wait until March 31, 2012 to find out if they can still participate.
By that date all the groups currently registered must confirm their participation at the Festival del Sole by completing the payment of the deposit for the hotel reservation.

** New E G F Member:  Esbjerg 2013, July 04 - 07

Since 2011 also the Danish Organizers of the "Landsstævne Esbjerg 2013" are the fourth member of the new network "European GYM Festivals" (EGF) !

... feel free, to join in!