17. March 2009
Chicago / USA
Wheel Gymnastics

The 2009 USA National Wheel Gymnastics Championships were held on March 15th in conjunction with Circesteem at Alternatives, Inc., 4730 N. Sheridan Road, in Chicago.
<< New US Champion 2009 is the Vice World Champion (vault) of 2007 (Salzburg, Austria), Cornell FREENEY (< photo, left).
The field of competitors consisted of one Junior Female athlete; Edith Keme, one Junior Male athlete; Dave Ettelson, and four Senior Male athletes; Same Sake, Chris Delgado, Cornell...

16. March 2008
Wolfstein + Ramstein /Deutschland
Wheel Gymnastics

At the  IVth WORLD-TEAM-CUP 2008 in wheel gymnastics with guests from 5 countries the hosting German team achieved the 4th gold medal in a row and therewith stays unchallenged World-Team-Champion!
With a total of 49 points, 
Janin OER, Nadine MÜNSTER, Annette PUSCH and Konstantin MALCHIN gained the gold medal in front of the All-Star-Team (34,00) with World Champion Cecile Meschberger, Sabine Krumm (both Switzerland), Vincent Klimo (Austria) and Solveig Krapf (Norway). The wheel gymnasts from  Japan and the Netherlands share...

15. March 2008
Wolfstein + Ramstein /Deutschland
Wheel Gymnastics

After the first of the two competition of the IVth WORLD-TEAM-CUP 2008 in wheel gymnastics the hosting German team with Janin Oer, Nadine Münster, Annette Pusch and Konstantin Malchin is leading with 24,00 points in front of the All-Star-Team (18,00), the Netherlands (17,00) and Japan (16,00).
There was excitement until the end and a nip-and-tuck-race in the sold-out sports hall in Wolfstein: Germany only gained the lead in the last round by launching a joker and through Constantin Malchin's extra-ordinary routine...

12. March 2008
Wolfstein, Ramstein/Germany
Wheel Gymnastics

Next weekend,the IVth WORLD-TEAM-CUP 2008 in Wheel Gymnastics will take place in the federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate: on March 15th in Wolfstein and on March 16th in Ramstein. In this first wheel gymnastics tournament of the year the following teams will participate besides host, world champion and title holder Germany: Vice World champion Japan, WORLDS third the Netherlands, and an All-Star-Team - consisting in World Champion  Cecile Meschberger, Sabine Krumm (both Switzerland), Vincent Klimo (Austria) and Solveig Krapf (Norway).

22. January 2008
Chicago / USA
Wheel Gymnastics

It is no wonder that children travel from all over Chicago to train and study with CircEsteem, Chicago’s non-profit youth circus.
Wolfgang BIENTZLE, Germany, the holder of the most Wheel Gymnastic titles in the world and former athlete national coach for Germany, is dedicating his considerable talents to CircEsteem as a coach and performer.
To say Bientzle is world-class wheel gymnastic coach and performer is an understatement.: As a competitor Bientzle holds 8 World, 11 European...
