(5) Thursday - Weltgymnaestrada - Day 5 WORLD RECORD at swinging Rings: 790 double sault in 1,200 seconds
First date was Wednesday, but because bad weather and too much wind the really running to break the record on swinging rings was realized at Thursday evening in the Gymnaestrada village Bellerive: * 790 double sault inside 1,200 seconds -
and after this time of twenty minutes a new Guiness world record was born and it rained confetti.
75 male and 3 female gymnasts and 36 assistents were happy and celebrated a crazy victory celebration, noticed into the "Guinesss Book of World Record" at an event otherwise any points, scores or matches ...
World record in front of the evening sky of Bellerive
* Thursday, 7.55 p.m. - ... a new WORLD RECORD ________________________________________
All the visitors and gymnasts were happy and celebrated the 111 players of this spectacle at the seafront of Bellerive, nearby the world gymnaestrada city of Lausanne... Most of the gymnasts celebrated basic double saults, but also piked and streched versions, but also a tripple sault were among all the attempts ... The basic idea for this spectacular came from the chief of general gymnastics of the Swiss Gymnastics Federation (STV), Mr. Jérôme Hübscher,: «As I have sawn, how many very good gymnasts were here in Lausanne among all the participants of the Gymnaestrada, I was shure, that this attempt will be successfully ...!"
At the end Jérôme Hübscher was complete thilled about the success: 790 double sault inside 20 minutes e- that's the new record * source: wg 2011-website
* Now we can present also a YOUTUBE-VIDEO-Version of this world record: