World GYM Calendar Artistic Gymnastics / Gerätturnen

< back to overview (Jahresübersicht)         Year / Kalenderjahr: 2016

January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December

January Location Nation Event Partic/Info
15.01.2016 Houston / Tex. USA Junior Intern. TEAM CUP 2016 AGm, AGw, invitational (jr.)
February Location Nation Event Partic/Info
05.02.2016 Halifax CAN Elite Canada Gymnastics Championships 2016 AGm, AGw, elite
19.02.2016 Baku AZE (1) B-World Challenge Cup: AGF Trophy 2016 AGm, AGw, elite
March Location Nation Event Partic/Info
03.03.2016 Montreal CAN Intern. GYMNIX 2016 AGw
04.03.2016 Linz AUT 7th TGW Austrian Team Cup 2016 AGm
05.03.2016 Newark USA (1) A-WORLD CUP (All-around): AT&T American Cup 2016 AGm, AGw, invitational
05.03.2016 Buttenwiesen GER DTL: National Team Cup AGm, AGw, elite (national)
12.03.2016 Glasgow GBR (2) A-WORLD CUP (All-around): World Cup Event 2016 AGm, AGw, invitational
18.03.2016 Stuttgart GER 33rd DTB Cup 2016 (Team Challenge) AGm, AGw (teams)
18.03.2016 Calgary CAN Intern. Cup University of Calgary 2016 AGm
19.03.2016 Stuttgart GER (3) A-WORLD-Cup (all-around): 33rd EnBW-DTB-POKAL 2016 AGm, AGw, invitational
23.03.2016 Alger ALG 13th AFRICAN CHAMPIONSHIPS 2016 AGm, AGw, elite
24.03.2016 Doha QAT (2) B-World Challenge Cup: 9th Tournament Doha 2016 AGm, AGw, elite
April Location Nation Event Partic/Info
31.03.2016 Cottbus GER (3) B-World Challenge Cup: Tournament of Masters 2016 AGm, AGw elite
01.04.2016 Köln GER 9th Pre-Olympic Youth Cup 2016 (POYC) AGw, jun, youth
03.04.2016 Moeskroen BEL Friendly Meet: BEL - GER - ROU (Women) AGw, elite
08.04.2016 Ljubljana SLO (4) B-World Challenge Cup: 12th Ljubljana Tournament 2016 AGm, AGw, elite
08.04.2016 Berlin GER 21st Intern. Junior Team Cup 2016 (1. JEM-Qualification) AGm, juniors, teams
08.04.2016 Everett USA Pacific Rim Championships 2016 AGm, AGw, elite & jr.
16.04.2016 Rio de Janeiro BRA Pre-OLYMPIC TEST-Event: MEN's 2nd Olympic Qualification 2016 AGm, AGw, elite (fig qualifiers)
16.04.2016 Kiev UKR Ukrain Nation Cup 2016 AGm, AGw, elite
16.04.2016 Rio de Janeiro BRA Pre-OLYMPIC TEST-Event: WOMEN's 2nd Olympic Qualification 2016 AGw, elite, teams & ind.
23.04.2016 n.n. GER WK 1: Deutsche Nachwuchs-Bundesliga 2016 (männl.) AGm, jun, youth (national)
23.04.2016 Heidelberg GER German National YOUTH Championships 2016 (female) AG, youth & jun., national
30.04.2016 Berkheim GER 11. Intern. SPIETH-Cup 2016 AGw, Nachwuchs (talents)
30.04.2016 Volketswil SUI U15-Friendly Meet (female) 2016: SUI-GER-FRA-GBR AGw, jun, youth
30.04.2016 Monheim GER U18-Friendly Meet: GER-SUI-FRA-GBR 2016 (male) AGm, teams, juniors & youth
May Location Nation Event Partic/Info
28.04.2016 Osijek CRO (5) B-World Challenge Cup: 8th GRAND PRIX Osijek 2016 AGm, AGw, elite
07.05.2016 Hannover GER DTL-F: Deutsche Bundesliga, Frauen (1. Wk.-Tag 2016) AGw, national teams
13.05.2016 Varna BUL (6) B-World Challenge Cup: Intern. Tournament 2016 AGm, AGw, elite
20.05.2016 Sao Paulo BRA (7) B-World Challenge Cup: Intern. Tournament 2016 AGm, AGw, elite
21.05.2016 Buttenwiesen GER WK 2: Deutsche Nachwuchs-Bundesliga 2016 (männl.) AGm, jun, youth (national)
23.05.2016 Melbourne AUS Australian Gymnastics Championships 2016 AGm, AGw, elite (national)
25.05.2016 Bern SUI 38th MEN's EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS 2016 (& Juniors ECh) AGm, elite & juniors
28.05.2016 Radolfzell (Bodensee) GER German Nationals SENIORS (Age groups) Championships 2016 AGm, AGw, SENIORS
June Location Nation Event Partic/Info
01.06.2016 Bern SUI 37th WOMEN's EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS 2016 (& Juniors ECh) AGw, elite & juniors
02.06.2016 Singapore SIN 13th Singapore Open 2016 AGm, AGw, elite
11.06.2016 Waging a. See GER Deutschlandcup 2016 AGm, AGw
18.06.2016 Grünstadt GER Turn-Talentschulpokal / Kaderturncup 2016 AGm, Nachwuchs (talents)
23.06.2016 Anadia POR (8) B-World Challenge Cup: Intern. Tournament 2016 AGm, AGw, elite
24.06.2016 St. Louis USA US Olympic Men Team Trials 2016 AGm, AGw, elite (national)
25.06.2016 Hamburg GER 83rd German MEN's National Championships 2016 (1. Olympic qualification) AGm, AGw, elite (national)
25.06.2016 Hamburg GER 76th German WOMEN's National Championships 2016 (1. Olympic qualification) AGw, elite (national)
July Location Nation Event Partic/Info
01.07.2016 Wernau GER German National YOUTH Championships 2016 (male) AGm, youth & jun., national
01.07.2016 Mersin TUR (9) B-World Challenge Cup: Intern. Tournament 2016 AGm, AGw, elite
08.07.2016 St. San Jose USA US Olympic Women Team Trials 2016 AGm, AGw, elite (national)
09.07.2016 Frankfurt / Main GER 2nd German Olympic Qualification 2016 AGm, AGw, elite (national)
16.07.2016 Lanz b. Lenzen GER 18. Lanzer JAHN-Kolloqium 2016 ("Deutsche Turnkunst") AG, History
23.07.2016 Chemnitz GER Friendly meet: GER -SUI- FRA- ITA (female) AGw, teams (invitational)
August Location Nation Event Partic/Info
05.08.2016 Rio de Janeiro BRA GAMES of the XXXI OLYMPIAD 2016 AGm, AGw, qualified elite
September Location Nation Event Partic/Info
24.09.2016 - div.- GER (1) DTL-M: 49. Saison-Deutsche Bundesliga, Männer 2016 AGm, DTL, elite
October Location Nation Event Partic/Info
01.10.2016 - div.- GER (2) DTL-M: 49. Saison-Deutsche Bundesliga, Männer 2016 (2. WK-Tag) AGm, DTL, elite
07.10.2016 Szombathely HUN (10) B-World Challenge Cup: Intern. Tournament 2016 AGm, AGw, elite
08.10.2016 - div.- GER (3) DTL-M: 49. Saison-Deutsche Bundesliga, Männer 2016 (3. WK-Tag) AGm, DTL, elite
12.10.2016 Maribor SLO 11th European TeamGym Championships 2016 TeamGym, men, wom, mix, elite & jun
15.10.2016 Freiburg i. Breisgau GER Freiburger Gerättunrntage 2016 (course) AGm, AGw, coaches
15.10.2016 - div.- GER (4) DTL-M: 49. Saison-Deutsche Bundesliga, Männer 2016 (4. WK-Tag) AGm, DTL, elite
15.10.2016 n. n. GER German SENIORS TEAM Cup 2016 (age groups) AGm, AGw, general gymn. (seniors)
22.10.2016 Berkheim GER Deutschlandpokal 2016 (weibl.) AGw, Nachwuchs (talents)
22.10.2016 - div.- GER (5) DTL-M: 49. Saison-Deutsche Bundesliga, Männer 2016 (5. WK-Tag) AGm, DTL, elite
29.10.2016 Stuttgart GER (2) DTL-F: Deutsche Bundesliga, Frauen (2. Wk.-Tag 2016) AGw, DTL, elite
29.10.2016 - div.- GER (6) DTL-M: 49. Saison-Deutsche Bundesliga, Männer 2016 (6. WK-Tag) AGm, DTL, elite
November Location Nation Event Partic/Info
05.11.2016 n. n. GER Deutschlandpokal der Jungen 2016 AGm, Nachwuchs (talents)
12.11.2016 Heidenheim GER (3) DTL-F: Deutsche Bundesliga, Frauen (3. Wk.-Tag 2016) AGw DTL, Germany
12.11.2016 Diez GER U18 Junioren-Länderkampf Deutschland - Italien AGm, juniors
13.11.2016 - div.- GER (7) DTL-M: 49. Saison-Deutsche Bundesliga, Männer 2016 (7. WK-Tag) AGm, DTL, elite
17.11.2016 Cottbus GER App. World Cup: Tournament of Masters AGm, AGw elite - apparatus
December Location Nation Event Partic/Info
03.12.2016 Ludwigsburg GER DTL-M/F-FINAL: 1st Deutsche Bundesliga, Men/Women 2016 AGm, DTL, elite
03.12.2016 n.n. GER WK 3: Deutsche Nachwuchs-Bundesliga 2016 (männl.) AGm, jun, youth (national)
10.12.2016 Hanover-Vinnhorst GER III. International ZAG-Junior Cup 2016 AGm, ind. juniors & youth
European Gymnastics Service
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