15. October 2012
Tokyo, Japan
Rhythmic Gymnastics
30th CHACOTT Championships 2012
The 30th anyversary of "Chacott CHAMPIONSHIPS 2012" was held in Tokyo last weekend. It is a very important national competition for the best of Japanese junior rhythmic gymnasts and the best national talents in the age groups between 10 and 15 years.Best in the all-around category in this year were IKaho Minagawa from one of the leading rhythmic gymnastics club "AEON" and Ritomo Ando, representing the "NPO Gifu RG Club". Both were winners also of last year's Chacott CAMPIONSHIPS 2011. AEON has developed three medalists this year , it's really amazing ! But at the same time, AEON team's gymnasts are beautiful and their physical talents are on a same high level like European rhythmic gymnasts, so our Japanese correspondents declared ....
Japanese RG reports are supported by > Chacott, partner of GYMmedia
Two of them, specially Kaho Minagawa and Sakura Hayakawa are selected for abroad to Russia next year for 2016 Olympic Games.
* Photo, right: Kaho Minagawa >>>
In groups category on female side the girls from "Adachi RG Club" won and on male side the boys from "Eniwa RG Club" were the winner of the "Chacott Championships this year.
"Adachi RG Club" performed in a very good harmony and their physical ability are really consolidated.; and the boy's "Eniwa RG Club", this team was were below in rank last year, but their trainning was success for ability and they got the gold medals. They surly have confident for their future.
* Information by Takako Kobayashi & Izumi Yokota
from Tokyo (JPN)
* Photo, below: Best Boy Group:
Boy's Group 'Eniwa RG Club'