26. July 2013  
Cali, Colombia  
Rhythmic Gymnastics

Cancellation of the first gymnastics discipline at the World Games ... new situation on Friday...:

* fig press release---: FIG was unfortunately forced to cancel Rhythmic Gymnastics competitions on Ribbon at The World Games 2013 Cali today following an assessment of the conditions in the competition hall as well as the temporary warm-up and training tent. Installations and conditions at El Pueblo Coliseum have been observed critically by FIG staff during the last week and as FIG requirements had not been met in the training facilities and the competition hall by deadline, Wednesday’s training sessions for Rhythmic Gymnastics were cancelled. A re-evaluation of the situation was scheduled for today.
The FIG Secretary General André Gueisbuhler inspected the venue personally this morning and at midday. He confirmed that the temperature measured at both the training and the competition venues was too high, compared to the requirements outlined in the FIG Technical Regulations.

CALI (COL), FIG Office, July 26, 2013:
The International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) informed its member federations participating at The World Games 2013 Cali about unacceptable conditions at the Gymnastics competition and training facilities and the considerable risk that the competitions in Trampoline, Tumbling, Acrobatic and Aerobic Gymnastics might not take place.

While the Rhythmic Gymnastics competitions on Ribbon had to be cancelled on Thursday due to strong air draughts caused by the provisional air condition system, competitions on Hoop, Ball and Clubs shall take place as planned today and tomorrow based on a written confirmation by the Medical Commission of the International World Games Association (IWGA). In its statement the commission confirmed that the health of the Rhythmic gymnasts will not be at risk provided the temperature in the venues does not exceed 30 degrees.

In the case of Trampoline, Tumbling, Acrobatic and Aerobic Gymnastics the FIG as well as the IWGA can and will not allow any compromise.
This was confirmed in writing by the IWGA, signed by their CEO and the President of their Medical Commission. Cali Local Organising Committee (CLOC) was informed accordingly. Aerobic Gymnastics is a very intensive discipline and Trampoline, Tumbling and Acrobatic Gymnastics are disciplines which bear the risk of serious accidents.
FIG and IWGA agreed not to allow trainings and competitions in these disciplines to start should the gymnasts be at risk. This includes that the temperature in the venues may not exceed 24 degrees as per the Technical Regulations of the FIG.

The FIG regrets to state that in spite of two site visits and regular meetings with the CLOC and IWGA over the past two years, as well as written guarantees received by CLOC, CLOC has not done the promised renovation of the competition venue and therefore seems to be unable to deliver regular training and competition venues.

"With the information we have at this point in time and the experience of the past days, we find it very hard to believe that CLOC will be able to stabilise the temperature in the provisional tents and the competition venue," FIG Secretary General André Gueisbuhler said. "For reasons unknown to the FIG, CLOC still believes that it will be able to meet all requirements in due time."

The FIG shall inspect the warm-up and training tents for Trampoline, Tumbling and Acrobatic Gymnastics on Saturday, July 27, at 18:00 and the competition venue will be inspected Sunday morning at 8:00 local time. Further decisions will be taken at that time.
* source: fig press release
  markers: gymmedia