20. February 2011  
Bochum, Germany  
Rhythmic Gymnastics

II. Interconti Rhythmic Junior Cup 2011

To the third time the former German world class gymnast Edita Schauler (-Enev) organized the "INTERNATIONAL JUNIOR CUP 2011 in her hometown Bochum (-Wattenscheid), and welcomed a big part of European talents in youth and junior categories.
Best of them was the Russian Elisabeta SOROKOVAYA, who won the junior category in all-around and the finals with hope and clubs. Winner with the ribbon was the Italian Giulia DI LUCA (< photo, left).
Best gymnast of these tournament was Darja SAIFUDTINOVA in the youth age group "1998", winning all-around and three of the four finals.
This event was used also for the German national qualification for the European Junior Championshipd: The group Rhein-Ruhr beat the group from "Bremen 1860" and will start in Minsk (BLR).
Guest and star of the closing gala was the Russian world Champion Yulia Barsukova ...
* ... read more and detailed results on > www. gymmedia.de