16. October 2011  
Brno, Czech Republic  
Rhythmic Gymnastics

Total Grand Prix Triumph: Russian Double Pike again ...!World Premiere: Kanaeva with dream score of 30,000 !

The Russian duo Evgenia KANAJEWA and Daria DMITRIEWA where not only top at the Saturday's all-around competion, but also with the total triumph at the final day of the 2011 fifth Grand Prix of Rhythmic Gymnastics in the Czech city of Brno:
The Russians won all the 5 golden and all the 5 silver medals of this event.
To the very first time a gymnast scored the dream score of "30,000" points: Evgenia KANAEVA with the ribbon!

Aliya GARAYEVA (AZE) won the "rest" of all the 5 bronzes ...!
All the other 14 gymnasts, representing 13 different nations were out of chances ore medals - a special situation in this discipline!
After Moscow, Holon, Thiais and Berlin it was the 5th and last Grand Prix event of the 2011 circuit ...