28. February 2006  
Tokyo / Japan  
Rhythmic Gymnastics

Women Power in Japan: Gymnastics talents competition in Tokyo

The Star and the talents... and Asia's Beauty!

Winning the Olympic gold medal of figure skating in Turin by Shizuka Arakawa Japanese sport harvests successes for a long time commitment for young female talents of technical and aesthetical disciplines.
So the Japanese top star in figure skating is also the big example for the youngest rhythmic gymnastics talents, because the long way from the beginning to the top is alike the winter sports discipline.
Target of Japanese rhythmic gymnastics is also an Olympic medal in the near future, and so the input starts so precociously as possible...
Last weekend GYMmedia correspondent Takako KOBAYASHI visited the 2006 Rhythmic Gymnastics Child Championships in the Japanese capital....

... coming world stars of the Future...? Yumari Sakanashi and Myo Huashi
Examples for powerful Japanese rhythmic gymnastics
- powered by 'Chacott Co., Ltd

Myu Hoashi from 'Kumamoto RG'

'Look...Asian Beauty is here!
But there are more childs, so they have to wait for making themselves debut in international competition!'
- our GYMmedia correspondent Takako Kobayashi means!
After the 'golden girl' Shizuka Arakawa... - why shouldn't it be true not also in Japanese rhythmic gymnastics in a near future...?!
Report/Photos by Takako Kobayashi, Tokyo/JPN