27. November 2010
Las Palmas, Gran Canaria

With an atmospheric final event in Las Palmas in which once again more than 360 participants were involved by 15 Canary groups and schools the 50th jubilee festival of the hearts "Blume Gran Canaria" came to an end.
Although two months before already a "Golden Age Gym festival" of the European gymnastic association UEG in Portugal preceded, the BLUME experienced Organizing Comitee enjoyed a large number of participants.
It was a dignified jubilee of this 50 year-old tradition.
More than 5,500 participants were involved in one week of festival activities. Other 900 participants of all Canary islands as well as the mainland Spain joined to approx. 3,000 canary active, who came from 14 of 21 gymnastic districts of Gran Canarias. In addition and right in the middle still came more than 800 foreign participants from Europe as well as Asia and Australia, from a total of 13 different countries!

26. November 2010
Las Palmas

In the big sports centre of Las Palmas assembled approx. 1,250 actors, in some extent the active part of approx. 5,000 festival participants of the 50th “Festival of the hearts”, "BLUME GRAN CANARIA 2010 to perform a big gala of the joy of life and the active being.

About 3 hours were filled with international top achievement, like the "National Danish performance team", also the Far Eastern charm of Japanese dancers, up to competitive rhythmical gymnastics groups or also the charming bustle of gymnastic beginner.

25. November 2010
Maspalomas, Gran Canaria

By the presence of the big Japanese group from Osaka the contents of the Workshops turned in something special, authentic and Far Eastern air was well received by the european course participants.

SKT - Junan Taiso = Ninja gymnastics

The so-called Junan Taiso forms the base of the spiritual body training. One stretches, relaxes and strengthens the body, in particular the joints, because they also stand psychosomatic for the flexibility in the life.
The more flexible one is, the more can live one in the flow of the life, completely after the motto "Go with the Flow".

23. November 2010
Maspalomas, Gran Canaria

It is a cultural top events when the world-famous "National Danish performance team" performed its choreography!

What they had already offered in the opening evening as a foretaste, the 27 ensemble members acted out their show program in the jumbo mall in the subsequent evenings.

Between 16 and 27 years old are these gymnasts and dancers who go every second year on a world tour lasting up to 10 months.
This Blume week on Gran Canaria is for them a sort of final rehearsal, because afterwards it goes on to "Down-Under", to Australia where they are already expected.
There the "SYDNEY INTERNATIONALLY GYMFEST" in 2012 is prepared....

22. November 2010
Maspalomas, Gran Canaria

Numerous Workshops were planned for four days in the programme of the festival and were realized by experienced international instructors.

Each participant can experience the physical effects of sports and learn differences in teaching methods to apply this new knowledge at home.

<< Emmi Fischer from Lower Saxony (Germany) is such an experienced instructor who award to 32 people chinese "Qigong" technologies, which force the energy flow in the body, and which can put valuable impulses particularly for people with movement restrictions...

22. November 2010
Maspalomas, Gran Canaria

A series of show events started with the opening ceremony on Sunday evening at the YUMBO Mall of the vacationer´s town of Maspalomas on the JUMBO stage the big formations from Denmark and Japan with her choreography impressed at the same time.

Besides, a part also take place in the animated centre of Maspalomas, directly in front of the imposing ecumenical church of the town. '

There 10 groups with a total of 264 gymnasts from 5 countries offered a varied 90 minutes programmes, often specially prepared for the BLUME Festival.

The 25-man-group of the "Riverside Display Team” impressed with a high-quality show with a charming solo performance

21. November 2010
Maspalomas, Gran Canaria

The 50th jubilee festival 'BLUME GRAN CANARIA' in honor of the spanish European champion Joaquin Blume which had an fatal accident 51 years ago, was opened on today's sunday in the jumbo mall by Maspalomas with a spectacular gala.
Before the town councilor and the chief organizer Jesús Telo pointed out the worldwide radiation of this event and the great importance for the sport on the Canaries and for whole Spain.

Eight groups from 6 countries formed an inspiring, festive and colorful program and represented more than 5,000 participants, among them more than 800 foreign guests of three continents.
The gala started with folkloric dances of the Canary Islands.

20. November 2010
Las Palmas

In the elitist and famous club "Real Nautico" of Las Palmas on Gran Canaria the 2-day bridge tournament also takes part for the12th time in the festival program, thus also in the 50th jubilee of BLUME GRAN CANARIA".
In four rows with six tables and in a tensed and concentrated atmosphere, the participants made a run at the popular cups and cash prizes of this tournament.

These include real bridge professionals of the Canarian Islands, as well as sympathizers, sponsors and guests of the tournament.

19. November 2010
Las Palmas, Tafira

Within the scope of the Blume Festival and four weeks after the European championships in Team Gym in Malmö, the sixth and last competition of the European "Euro-TeamGym series 2010" took place on today's Friday.

Venue was the sports hall of the University of Las Palmas in Tafira. An exciting and interesting competition proceeded until the evening.
The junior competition was in the centre of attention, with the winner's team "Crewe & Nantwich Gymnastic club" from Great Britain with 41.75 points, followed by the "Scarborough All Stars", also Great Britain who also brought out the main points in their high performance..

18. November 2010
Playa del Ingles, Gran Canaria

<< A.S.D. "EXPRI" NOGETO, so is called the Italian club which will participate the first time with 14 girls and four trainers.
Their highlight will be the participation on Friday at the sixth European TEAM GYM cup competition, but they had also stated interest in the synchronous swimming which is planned for Saturday...

Also to Japan it has got about that the "island of the eternal spring" is the Mecca for people hungry for movement at all age during November.

Such a big group of 38 Japanese has never come along in the 50-year-old history of the festival, also Australia will be represented....
