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* MEN's Artistic Gymnastics All-around :
As the international federations unfortunately hardly include any attractive all-around events in their competition systems, we present the TOP all-around results of relevant competitions in the new 2025-2028 Olympic cycle in chronological order in the following overviews - from national championships, national tests or leagues through to international tournaments - including important junior events - because the versatile artistic gymnastics all-around competition is and remains not only the crown of the gymnastics discipline, but is also an indispensable, because it is an essential, compensatory element in the versatile training of generations of capable top athletes!
♦ | TOP-Results of MEN's All-around International & national Events (► AGw - Women's All-around) |
AGm - 2025 ►Best Scores international 2024 |
♦ Country : E L I T E Event , Location, Date
* Information ...
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♦ Country - : J u n i o r Event, Location, Date.
1. ;
* Information .....
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♦ | AGm 2024 MEN's All-around International & national Events (► AGw - Women's All-around) |
AGm - 2024 ►Best Scores international 2024 |
♦ T U N - : 2024 Mediterranean JUNIOR Championships, Tunis, Dec.16-18.
1. Simone Speranza (ITA) - 77,197; 2. Alperen Avci (TUR) -75,731;
3. Daniele Somaschini (ITA) - 74,998; (-) Luca Manzaneda (ITA) - 74,565;
4. Lokmane Aisa (ALG) - 74,398; 5. Noureldin Mohamed (EGY) - 74,398;
* 13 gymnasts, representing 6 nationen, 11 from them with compülete AA.
+ + +
♦ R U S - : 2024 Voronin Cup, Moscow, December 6 - 8
1. Artur Davtyan (ARM) - 81,933; 2. Ivan Kuliak (RUS) - 81,199;
3. Saveliy Seydin RUS) - 79,533; 4. Mukhammadzhon Yakubov (RUS) - 79,033;
5. Kiril Gashkov (RUS) - 78,633; 6. Fjodor Borzykh (RUS) - 75,400;
* 34 gymnasts representing 7 different natins, 16 of them with complet all-around.
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♦ P A R - : South American JUNIOR Championships Asuncion, Nov 25 - Dec 01
1. Matias Coralizzi (ARG) - 74,000; 2. Pedro Silvestre (BRA) - 73,750;
3. Diego Espejo (CHI) - 72,700; 3=. Stefano Romero (ECU) - 72,700;
* 29 competitors from 14 nations, 26 with complete all-around
+ + +
♦ C Z E - : Olymic Hopes 2024 Brno, November 29 - Dez 01
1. Jovo Loh (SNP) - 77,100 ; 2. Gino Vetter (AUT) - 75,750;
3. Amirabbas Mojahed (IRA) - 75,250; 4. Mateo Fraisl (AUT) - 75,100;
5. Tomasz Le Khac (POL) - 75,100; 6. Jonas Ganek (CZE) - 74,850;
* 41 competitors from 9 different countries, 33 of them with complete all-around.
+ + +
.♦ G E R - : U16 Youth Tournament, Chemnitz, 23. November
1. Nikita Prohorov (GER) - 76,050; 2. Davyd Alshanov (GER) - 75,950;
3. Zakaine Fawzi (GBR) - 75,800; 4. Evan McPhillips (GBR) - 75,450;
5. Pietro Mazzola (ITA) - 75,400; 6. Giaccomo Capuzzo (ITA) - 75,250
* 30 competitors, 5 different nations, 27 of them with complete all-around.
1. ITA; 2. GER; 3. GBR; 4. FRA; 5. SUI; > Team Results > AA-R e s u l t s ;
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♦ A U T - : 19. Intern. Future Cup 2024, Linz, November 22/23
1. Vincent Lindpointner (AUT) - 76,400; 2. James Hickey (IRL) - 74,850;
3. Florient Olmanst (BEL) - 74,000; 4. Antonine Delaye (FRA) - 73,550;
5. Paul Liger (FRA) - 72,700; 6. Nilo Nikkola (FIN) - 72,600;
6.= Levente Marco (HUN) - 72,600
* 47 competitors (juniors) from 17 countries, 36 with complete AA;
(Iin the youth & pupil categories started also 105 young talents from these nations!
* Nation`s ranking: : 1. AUT; 2. BEL; 3. HUN; > R e s u l t s
+ + +
♦ G R E - : Horizon Junior Cup, Thessaloniki, Nov. 09/10
1. Riley Robertson-Brown (ENG) - 72,000; Ethan Clark (ENG) - 71,000;
3. Anrej Dolic (SRB) - 68,600; 4. Nasko Mikov (BUL) - 68,200;
5. Stefanos Konomis (GRE) - 65,400; 6. Georgios Milosis (GRE) - 64,800;
* 10 competitors, 9 of them with complete all-around.
+ + +
♦ S W E - : Mälär Cup 2024, Stockholm, Okt. 31- Nov. 03
1. Ian Staubitzer (SUI) - 75,682; 2. Jonas Munch (SUI) - 74,533;
3. Emil Woivalin (FIN) - 73,382; 4. Silas Fricker (SUI) - 73,082
5. Kevin Kuhni (SUI) - 72,648; 6. William Sundell - (SWE) - 72,565
* Turnier mit 36 Turnern aus 4 Nationen, 18 von ihnen mit komplettem Mehrkampf.
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♦ N O R - : Norwegian JUNIOR-Championships Molde, October 25-27
1. Noah Støvne-Bjørnsen - 73,750; 2. Kasper Berntsen - 73,550;
3. Brian Rugland - 73,050; 4. Ivan Maltsev - 72,450;
5. Phong Tage Gullbrandsson - 71,750; 6. Philip Lieske - 71,200;
* 38 competitors, 34 of them with complete all-around.
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♦ B R A - : South American Championships, Aracaju, Oct. 18-20
1. Bernardo Miranda (BRA) - 82,067; 2. Thomas Rodriguez (BRA) - 80,601;
(-) Lucas Bitencourt (BRA) - 78,767; 3. Santiago Mayol (ARG) - 78,667;
4. Joel Alvarez (CHI) - 78,301; (-) Diogo Paes (BRA) - 78,099;
* 37 Turner aus 7 Nationen, 19 von ihnen mit kompltettem Mehrkampf.
+ + +
♦ B R A - : Brazilian JUNIOR-Championships Aracaju, October 11-13
1. Pedro Silvestre - 75,325; 2. Bernardo Santos - 74,275;
3. Derick Goulart - 73,075; 4. Eduardo Belli - 72,725;
5. Eduardo Rudarte - 70,575; 6. Chriatian Dorneles - 70,125;
* 15 competitors, 13 of them with complete all-around.
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♦ G E R - : 37. International Juniors Trophy 2024, Cottbus, Oct. 11-13.
1. Elliot Vernon (GBR) - 77,650; 2. David Alshanov (GER) - 77,000;
3. Jonas Danek (CZE) - 76,350; 4. Tomasz Le-Kacz (POL) - 76,050;
5. Anton Bulka (GER) - 75,650; 6. Nikita Prohorov (GER) - 75,550;
* 30 competitors 20 Juniors from 7 different European nations, + 10 of them from host Germany; 25 juniors with complete all-around.
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♦ B R A - : Brazilian Championships, João Pessoa, Sept 20 - 22
1. Caio Souza - 82,350; 2. Bernardo Miranda - 80,200;
3. Tomas Rodrigues - 79,650; 4. Patrick Sampaio - 78,700;
5. Lucas Bitencourt - 78,250; 6. Vitaliy Guimaraes - 76,650;
* 30 competitors, 20 with complete all-around);
+ + +
♦ E U - : 2024 Northern European Chammpionships, Dublin/IRL, Sep 21/22
1. Elias Koski (FIN) - 82,250; 2. Sebastian Sponevik (NOR) - 79,300;
3. Cameron Lynn (SCO) - 77,950; 4. Euan McLeilan (SCO) - 77,500;
5. Elliot Vernon (WAL) - 77,400; 6. Olof Antti (SWE) - 76,850;
* 57 competitors representing 11 Northern European countries; 34 with complete AA;
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♦ C H N - : 2024 Chinesische Meisterschaften, Chengdu, 15.-24. September
1. Sun, Pizhou - 80,350/79,400; 2. Wei, Guozheng - 79,450/77,150;
3. Zhang, Songhonghao - 79,250/76,800; 4. Fu, Kaixin - 77,250/77,400;
5. Yang, Hang - 76,200/77,150; 6. He, Xiang - 73,950/78,400;
7. XU, Chengyu - 75,200/76,350; 8. Luo, Jiyie - 73,350/76,050;
9. Yang, Dingkai - 74,850/75,050; 10. Wang, Yingxi - 74,600/74,350;
* 72 competitors, 22 AA Finalists, 21 with complete all-around (internal national mode);
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♦ J P N - : All JAPAN Championships, Tachikawa, 15. September
1. Shinnosuke Oka - 86,331; 2. Takeru Kitazono - 85,599;
3. Kazuki Matsumi - 85,364; 4. Shohei Kawakami - 85,264;
5. Tsuyoshi Hasegawa - 85,065; 6. Teppei Miwa - 84,731;
7. Kakeru Tanigawa - 84,599; 8. Yusuke Tanaga - 84,242;
9. Shunpei Fujimaki - 84,199; 10. Shiga Tachibana - 84,132;
* 115 competitors, 83 with complete AA, 33 with more than 80 points!!
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♦ N O R - : 2024 Norwegian Championships, Ulsteinvik, Sep 7./8.
1. Sofus Heggemsnes - 77,800; 2. Peter Skogvang - 77,050;
3. Joar Amblie - 75,650; 4. Harald Wibye - 75,050;
5. Sebastian Sponevik - 73,850; 6. Kasper Berntsen - 71,850;
* 11 competitors, 8 of them with comoplete AA.
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♦ J P N - : All JAPAN Junior Championships, Takasaki, August 12-17
1. Tsunogai Tomoharu - 83,932; 2. Kadoya Taiki - 80,466;
3. Katayama Ashu - 80,364; 4. Fukubayashi Haruki - 79,898;
* 167 competitors (!), 151 of them with complete all-around!
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♦ R U S - : 2024 RUSSIAN CUP, Novosibirsk, July 29 - August 05
1. Daniel Marinov - 83,600/85,800; 2. Kirill Prokopev - 79,600/82,200;
3. Ivan Zavrichko - 79,250/80,550; 4. Saveliy Syedin - 79,200/80,550;
5. Viktor Kalyuzhin - 80,300/78,650; 6. Alexei Rostov - 80,450/77,050;
* 34 participants, 19 of them with complete AA, 16 gymnasts in the AA final.
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♦ I T A - : Italian Championships, Coneo, July, 05 - 07
1. Lorenzo Casali - 82,350; 2. Mario Maccjiati - 82,250;
3.Yumin Abbadini - 82,150; 4. Lorenzo Bonicelli - 81,400;
5. Niccolò Vannucchi - 78,600; 6. Fabrizio Valle - 78,550;
* 33 participants, 14 of them with complete AA results;
+ + +
♦ E S P- : Friendly Meet ESP - SUI, Madrid, July, 06
1. Matteo Giubellini (SUI) - 82,868; 2. Florian Langenegger (SUI) - 82,300;
3. Joel Plata (ESP) - 81,865; 4. Noe Seifert (SUI) - 80,833;
5. Nicolau Mir (ESP) - 78,233; 6. Daniel Carrion (ESP) - 77,733.
* TEAMS: 1. SUI - 249,099; 2. ESP - 245,431 > Results
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♦ S W E- : Swedish Championships 2024, Västerås, June 29/30
1. David Rumbutis - 78,750; 2. Marcus Stenberg - 76,850;
3. Joakim Lenberg - 74,850; 4. Kim Wanström - 74,650;
5. William Sundell - 74,550; 6. William Hyll - 72,400;
* 20 gymnasts, 12 of them with complete AA;
+ + +
1. Vicco Alterac - 72,350; 2. Jasper Carminger - 68,550;
3. Charlie Björsson - 68,000; 4. Olle Bengtson - 66,000;
5. Oscar Il-Sung Melander - 65,700; 6. William Linden - 64,750;
* 24 Junioren, 15 davon mit vollem Sechskampf.
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♦ U S A- : US Oympic Trails, Minneapolis, June 27 - 30
1. Fred Richards - 85,600/ 84,900; 2. Brody Malone - 85,100 / 85,200;
3. Shane Wiskus - 84,300 / 85,350; 4. Paul Juda - 84,150 / 84,700;
5. Asher Hong - 83,700 / 83,950; 6. Fuzzy Benas - 83,100 / 82,900;
7. Donnell Whittenburg - 80,950 / 84,750; 8. Cameron Bock - 83,450 / 82,150;
* 20 gymnasts, 14 of them with complete AA; > Results
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♦ G E R- : 2nd German OLympic Trails, Russelsheim, June 22
1. Timo Eder - 82,675; 2.Nils Dunkel - 82,275;
3. Glenn Trebing - 81,775; 4. Milan Hosseini - 80,990;
5. Pascal Brendel - 80,575; 6. Alexander Kunz - 79,650;
* 15 gymnasts, 12 of them with complete AA; > Results
(... Lukas Dauser injured!)
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♦ R U S: BRICS Games 2024, Kasan, 12. - 23. Juni
1. Daniel Marinov (RUS) - 84,700; 2. Artur Dalaloyan (RUS) - 79,950;
3. Yahor Sharamkou (BLR) - 77,950; 4. Yunus Emre Gundogdu (TUR) - 71,850;
5. Rustambek Nematov (UZB) - 71,600; 6. Muhammadali Tursunaliev (UZB) - 65,750;
* >> Results
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♦ F R A : 2024 French Championships 2, Lyon. May 7.- 9.
1. Lèo Saladino - 82,533; 2. Kevin Kavalho - 81,466;
3. Pierre Cassam Chenai - 80,733; 4. Jim Zona - 78,316;
5. Adam Cogat - 78,266; 6. Mathys Cordule - 78,150;
* 36 competitors, 20 of them with complete all-around;.
1. Anthony Mansard - 80,366; 2. Karim Mangala Bima - 78,550;
3. Nael Sakouhi - 77,816; 4. Enae Fouchard - 76,983;
5. Leeroy Traore Malatre - 76,883; 6. Elias Breche - 75,250;
* 17 junior, 14 of them with complete all-around;
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♦ G E R- : 90th MEN's German Championships 2024, Frankfurt/M. May, 8/9
1. Lukas Dauser - 82,765; 2. Andreas Toba - 82,398;
3. Timo Eder - 81,430; 4. Pascal Brendel - 81,164;
5. Nils Dunkel - 79,565; 6. Milan Hosseini - 79,298;
* 37 gymnasts, 28 of them with complete AA;
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♦ C O L- : PAN AMERICAN Championships, Santa Maria, May, 22-26
1. Caio Souza (BRA) - 82,367/81,134; 2. Luciano LETELIER (CHI) - 78,300/79,233;
3. Santiago Mayol (ARG) - 76,201/78,566; 4. Dilan Jimenez (COL) - 76,567/77,467;
5. Cesar Lopez (ECU) - 71,966/77,367; 6. Diogo Soares (BRA) - 81,667/76,732;
* 14 competitors representing 9 different nations; 12 of them with full AA;
Teams: 1. BRA; 2. COL; 3. ARG; 4. CHI; 5. MEX; 6. PUR;
1. Adam Lakomy (USA) - 77,267; 2. Hasan Aydogdu (USA) - 76,401;
3. Camilo Vera (COL) - 76,366; 4. Yan Zabala (COL) - 75,768;
5. Thomas Mejia (COL) - 75,300; 6. Jensuel Soto (PUR) - 74,767;
* 45 junior, 44 of them with complete all-around;
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♦ M O R - : 2024 African Championships, Marakesh, May 3-6
1. Omar Mohamed (EGY) - 82,198; 2. Mohamed Afify (EGY) - 79,131;
(-) Abdelrahman Abdelhaleem (EGY) - 77,931; 3. Luke James (RSA) - 76,697:
4. Hamza Hossaini (MOR) - 76,432; 5. Achraf Quistas (MOR) - 68,797;
* 11 (22) gymnasts, with complete all-around; participants from 8 different African countries;
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♦ I T A : 46. European Championships, Rimini, 24. April
1. Marios Georgiou (CYP) - 84,265; 2. Oleg Verniaiev (UKR) - 84,031;
3. Yumin Abadini (ITA) - 83,765; 4. Jake Jarman (GBR) - 83,431;
5. Krisztofer Meszaros (HUN) - 83,398; 6. Illia Kovtun (UKR) - 83,331;
7. Nestor Abad (ESP) - 82,798; 8. Artem Dogopyat (ISR) - 82,432;
9. Adem Asil (TUR) - 82,331; 10. Ilias Georgiou (CYP) - 82,066;
* 82 competitors, davon 73 with complete all-around; ... but no All-around Final !
23 gymnasts with more than 80 AA points!
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♦ J P N : All-Japan Championships, Takasaki, April 11-14
1.Daiki Hashimoto - 88,199/87,965; 2. Shinnosuke Oka - 86,166/86,098;
3. Kazuma Kaya - 85,864/85,732; 4. Takaaki Sugino - 84,365/86,133;
5. Ryosuke Doi - 85,598/84,199; 6. Yusuke Tanaka - 84,966/84,798;
7. Kazuki Matsumi - 83,599/85,499; 8. Teppei Miwa - 84,198/84,865;
9. Shohei Kawakami - 83,698/85,165; 10. Tsuyoshi Hasegawa - 85,131/83,599;
* 100 competitors participated at the qualification round, 69 of them with complete all-around and 45 of them with more than 80 points!!
* 63 gymnasts participated at the 2nd freestyle, 28 of them again with more as 80 points !!
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♦ G E R :1st National ECh Trials, Kienbaum, April 11
1. Lucas Kochan - 83,500; 2. Pascal Brendel - 79,350;
3. Nils Dunkel - 78,850; 4. Carlo Hörr - 78,700;
5. Milan Hosseini - 78,100; 6. Dario Sissakis - 77,450;
7. Felix Remuta - 77,050; 8. Daniel Mousichidis - 76,550
* 14 competitors, 9 of them with complete all-around.
+ + +
♦ N O R : Nordic Championships, Oslo, April 07
1. Sofus Heggemsnes (NOR) - 82,050; 2. David Rumbutis (SWE) - 80,550;
3. Hatald Wibye (NOR) - 80,500; 4. Valgard Reinhardsson (ICE) - 80,100;
5. Marcus Pietarinen (FIN) - 78,350; 6. Peter Skogvang (NOR) - 77,800;
* 29 gymnast, 21 of them with full program.
Teams: 1. NOR; 2. SWE; 3. ICE; 4. FIN; 5. DEN;
1. Ivan Maltsev (NOR) - 74,800; 2. Joshua Ifeanyi (NOR) - 74,550;
3. Kasper Berntsen (NOR) - 74,000; 4. Iiro Lehtisalo (FIN) - 73,550;
5. Aleksi Koivunen (FIN) - 72,850; 6. Charlie Björsson (SWE) - 71,000;
* 26 juniors, 23 of them with comlete all-around.
+ + +
♦ A U T : Austrian National Championships, Dornbirn, April 6/7
1. Ashkab Matiev - 78,300; 2. Kikolas Ivkic - 77,866;
3. David Bickel - 74,967; 4. Ricardo Rody - 74,633;
5. Martin Miggitsch - 72,268; 6. Paul Schmölzer - 71,733;
* 14 competitors, 10 of them with complete all-around.
Teams: Vorarlberg in front of Upper Austria und Styra.
1. Alfred Schwaiger - 77,000; 2.Vincent Lindpointner - 76,700;
3. Gino Vetter - 76,234; 4. Matteo Fraisl - 75,300;
5. Michael Miggitsch - 67,433; 6. Constantin Lipp - 63,466;
* 8 (9) Juniors with complete AA.
+ + +
♦ F I N : Finnish Championships, Oulu, March 23
1. Robert Kirmes - 80,450; 2. Oskar Kirmes - 78,350;
3. Elias Koski - 75,950; 4. Marcus Pietarinen - 75,800;
5. Tarmo Kanerva - 73,500; 6. Antti Varjolaakso - 69,550;
* 36 competitors, 9 of them with complete all-around!
1. Aleksi Koivunen - 70,400; 2. Iiro Lehtisalo - 70,100;
3. Niilo Nikkola - 68,500; 4. Amos Backlund - 66,500;
5. Kyösti Uusitalo - 66,400; 6. Iiro Karppinen - 65,500;
* 38 competitors, 24 of them with complete all-around!
+ + +
♦ G B R : English Championships / Telford, March, 01-03
1. Joe Fraser - 84,500; 2. James Hall - 82,050;
3. Jake Jarman - 81,750; 4. Luke Whitehouse - 80,150;
5. R. Robinson-Bailey - 78,700; 6. Patrick Watkinson - 78,450;
* 41 competitors, 32 of them with complete all-around!
1. Michael Goddard - 77,000; 2. Gabriel Langton - 76,750;
3. Sol Scott - 75,150; 4. Joseph Feery - 74,400;
5. Trigg Dudley - 74,350; 6. Oliver Porter - 74,000;
* 33 Juniors (U 18), 31 of them with full program!
+ + +
♦ U S A : Winter Cup 2024 / Louisville/Kentucky; Feb. 23-25
1. Yul Moldauer - 84,450/85,300; 2. Shane Wiskus - 84,850/82,600;
3. Riley Loos - 81,800/82,600; 4. Cameron Bock - 82,950/80,900;
5. Donnell Whittenburg - 81,150/82,450; 6. Fuzzy Benas - 80,650/82,950;
7. Jeremy Bishoff - 81,150/81,850; 8. Taylor Christopulos - 81,900/79,850;
9. Joshua Karnes - 77,650/82,850;...11. Matt Cormier - 78,450/80,600;
* 41 competitors, 28 with full all-around program, and 10 of these athletes have already exceeded the 80-point mark at this early stage of the season and have already put themselves under full pressure on two days of the freestyle programme!
1. Junnosuke Iwai - 80,186; 2. Nathan Roman - 80,166;
3. Kiran Mandava - 80,141; 4. Sasha Bogonosiuk - 78,775;
5. Adam Lakomy - 78,350; 6. Alex Karadzhov - 77,801;
* 54 Juniors, 46 of them with complete all-around.
+ + +
♦ C A N : Elite Canada / Ottawa, February, 18-20
1. Fèlix Dolci - 82,050/79,317; 2. Renè Cournoyer - 79,400/79,534;
3. Doran Doran - 79,300/78,450; 4. Kenji Tamane - 77,800/78,100;
5. Zachary Clay - 75,000/79,150; 6. Even Fedder - 74,300/75,967;
* 37 competitors, 16 of them with complete all-around;
1. Raphael Madore - 72,084/78,217; 2. Evan Huber - 73,067/74,517;
3. Liam Vanounou - 74,084/73,467; 4. Aiden Gonzales - 73,900/71,734;
5. Connor Fielding - 73,734/71,200; 6. Carson Crooks - 73,317/71,517;
* 29 juniors, 26 of them with complete AA;
+ + +
♦ G B R : Scottish Championships / Wishaw, February 17/18
1. Cameron Lynn- 80,050; 2. Euan McLellan- 71,200; 2=.Hamish Carter- 71,200
4. Reuben Ward - 68,950; .....
* 9 gymnasts, 7 of them with complete all-around.
1. Luca Robinson - 71,600; 2. Aaron Convery - 71,300;
3. Andrew Dicke - 70,950; . . . .
* 11 juniors, 10 of them with full AA program.
+ + +
♦ U S A : Houston National Invitational / Houston /Texas, Jan 18-21
1. Yul Moldauer - 85,400; 2. Riley Loos - 80,700; 3. Ian Gunther - 79,800;
4. Dalles Hale - 79,600; 5. Vitaly Guimaraes - 79,300; 6. Xavier Olasz - 77,000;
* 22 gymnasts, only 7 of them with complete all-around.
+ + +
AGm - All around 2023 |
♦ S W E: Mälar Cup 2023 / Stockholm, Nov. 03 - 05
1. Janick Brunner (SUI) - 78,000; 2. Valgard Reinhardsson (ICE) - 77,850;
3. Marcus Stenberg (SWE) - 76,550; 4. Joakim Lenberg (SWE) - 75,950;
5. Ian Staubitzer (SUI) - 74,800; 6. Ricards Plate (LAT) - 74,000.
* 49 gymnast, 28 of them with complete all-around!
+ + +
♦ C H I : 19. PAN-AM Games 2023 / Santiago de Chile, 20. - 26. October
1. Dolci, Felix (CAN) - 80,632 / 82,531; 2. SOARES, Diogo (BRA) - 81,932 / 81,865;
3. WHITTENBURG, D. (USA) - 82,331 / 81,764); 4. BOCK, Cameron (USA) - 82,598 / 80,698;
5. NIN REYES, Audrys (DOM) - 78,965 / 80,165; 6. ALVAREZ, Joel (CHI) - 77,731 / 78,930;
9. MARIANU, Arthur (CAN) - 81,231 / 77,932;
(4.) WALKER, Colt (USA) - 81,698 / ;
> Quali-Results ►Final Results
+ + +
♦ F I G : 52. TURN-WM 2023 / Antwerpen / BEL; 30. Sep. - 08. Oktober
1. HASHIMOTO Daiki (JPN) - 85,432; 86,132; 2. KOVTUN, Illia (UKR) - 81,931 / 84,998;
3. RICHARD, Frederick (USA) - 83,566 / 84,332; 4. CHIBA, Kenta (JPN) - 85,799 / 83,464;
5. KARIMI, Milad (KAZ) - 83,232 / 82,931; 6. ABADINI, Yumin (ITA) - 82,532 / 82,832;
7. SUN, Wei (CHN) - 82,098 / 82,698; 8. SEIFERT, Noe (SUI) - 82,464 / 82,431);
9. HALL, James (GBR) - 83,631/ 82,331;10. SOARES, Diogo (BRA) - 81,832 / 81,832
13. JARMAN, Jake (GBR) - 84,031 / 81,198;
(2) Kaya, Kazuma (JPN) - 85,598 / - ;
> Quali. Results ► Final Results
+ + +
► The best MEN's Scores (March 2023)
♦ C H N : 19th Asian Games 2023 / Hangzhou, Sep 24-26
1. Zhang, Boheng (CHN) - 88,564 / 89,299; 2. Takeru Kitazono (JPN) - 83,231 / 87,032;
3. Lan, Xingyu (CHN) - 81,165 / 84,965; 4. Shohei Kawakami (JPN) - 84,432 / 81,832;
5. Bae, Garam (KOR) - 79,665 / 77,865 6. Asadbeck Azamov (UZB) - 71,763 / 77,197
Yun, Jinseong (KOR) - 81,265 /
* 21 gymnast with complete all-around; 18 were qualified to the AA Final > Qu-results > Fin- results
+ + +
♦ I T A: Italian Championships / Padua, 09. September
(-) Manrique Larduet (CUBA) - 82,900
1. Mario Macchiati - 82,150 / 82,200; 2. Yumin Abbadini - 80,200 / 83,900;
3. Lorenzo Casali - 80,500 / 82,850; 4. Lorenzo Bonicelli - 80,900 / 81,750
5. Matteo Levantesi - 80,900 / 81,350; 6. Edoardo de Rosa - 80,600 / 81,000
* ....
+ + +
♦ G E R: 2nd German WCh Trials / Heidelberg, 09. September
1. Pascal Brendel - 83,050; 2. Lukas Dauser - 82,550;
3. Lucas Kochan - 80,850; 4. Nils Dunkel - 80,000;
5. Milan Hosseini - 79,900; 6. Nick Klessing - 79,900:
* 11 participants with complete all-around. > RESULTS
* An team from ISRAEL participated with Ilia Liubimov (81,950)
& Olympic Floor champion Artiyom Dolgopyat (81,900).
+ + +
♦ R O U: Romanian Championships / Bucharest, 01.-03. September
1. Gabriel Burtanete - 81,350; 2. Andrei Muntean - 79,650;
3. Robert Burtanete - 77,850; 4. Petar Vefic - 76,350;
5. Emilian Neagu - 74,650; 6. Rafael Szabo - 71,050;
* 21 participants, 14 of them with complete all-around.
+ + +
♦ R U S: Russian Cup 2023 / Sirius, Sept. 02
1. Daniel Marinov - 81,850 / 84,850; 2. Sergei Naidin - 80,900 / 83,050;
3. Ivan Kuliak - 80,050 / 80,800; 4. Kirill Prokopiev - 74,950 / 80,100;
5. Viktor Kalyuzhin - 75,750 / 79,600; 6. Evgeniy Kisel - 76,550 / 79,300;
7. Saveliy Seydin - 78,400 / 79,200; 8. Alexey Rostov - 77,100 / 79,100
21. Artur Dalaloyan - 80,750 / 72,050
(26) Nikita Nagorniy (- ohne Ringe (-60,500)
(33) David Belyavskiy - nur 3 Geräte
* 26 Finalisten, alle mit vollem Mehrkampf. > RESULTATE
43 Starter zur 1. Kür, davon 27 mit vollem 6-Kampf
+ + +
♦ S U I : Swiss National Championships 2023 / Glarus, Sept. 02
1. Noe Seifert - 83,594; 2. Luca Giubellini - 82,048;
3. Tim Randegger - 81,414; 4. Florian Langenegger - 81,182;
5. Benjamin Gischard - 80,665; 6. Dominic Tamsel - 78,765;
7. Luca Murabito - 78,331; 8. Moreno Kratter - 78,098;
* 17 participants, 16 of them with complete all-around.. > RESULTS
+ + +
♦ G E R: 1st German WCh Trials / Kienbaum, August 27
1. Andreas Toba - 81,150; 2. Nils Dunkel - 81,000;
3. Daniel Wörz - 79,300; 4. Carlo Hörr - 79,200;
5. Milan Hosseini - 78,250; 6. Lucas Kochan - 78,150.
* 17 participants, 16 of them with complete all-around. > RESULTS
+ + +
♦ T U R: Turkish Championships / Istanbul, August 25- 27
1. Kerem Sener - 80,550; 2. Emre Dodanli - 79,650;
3. Ahmet Önder - 79,500; 4. Mert Efe Kilicer - 78,500;
5. Mehmet Kosak - 77,350; 6. Sercan Demit - 75,750;
* 17 participants,12 of them with complete all-around program.
1. Metehan Kartin - 76,401; 2. Altan Dogan - 75,001;
3. Ahmet Ekici - 74,300; 4. Deniz Sen - 73,167;
5. Melih Dumlu - 72,634; 6. Emirhan Kartin - 72,501;
* 27 juniors, 23 of them with full AA program.
+ + +
♦ U S A : National Championships 2023 / San Jose, August 26
1. Asher Hong - 85,615 / 85,315; 2. Khoi Jong - 84,781 / 84,674
3. Frederick Richards - 85,469 /83,842 4. Colt Walker -83,811 / 85,000
5. Yul Moldauer - 85,548 /81,898; 6. Paul Juda - 84,352 / 82,850
* 47 gymnasts, 31 of them with full program. > RESULTS
( U 17)
1. Kai Uemura - 83,394 / 82,122; 2. Kiran Mandava - 79,743 / 79,093
3. Xander Hong - 78,130 /78,151; 4. Adam Lakomy - 77,518 / 78,418
5. Sasha Bogonosiuk - 77,299 / 78,225; 6. Hasan Aydogdu - 77,230 / 76,246
* 24 juniors U 17 - all of them with complete all-round.► Results
+ + +
♦ B E L : Triple Friendly Meet (BEL-FRA-ROU) Gent / BEL, August 26
1. Luka van den Keybus (BEL) - 82,550; 2. Kevin Karvalho (FRA) - 80,550;
3. Jim Zona (FRA) - 80,050; 4. Andrei Muntean (ROU) - 79,500;
5. Victor Martinez (BEL) - 78,400; 6. Gabriel Burtanete (ROU) - 77,700;
7. Takumi Onoshima (BEL) - 75,800.
* 21 gymnasts, 7 of them with full program.
+ + +
♦ U S A : US Classics 2023 / Chikago, July 6
1. Asher Hong - 85,305; 2.Khoi Jong - 83,424
3. Paul Juda - 83,354; 4. Cameron Bock - 83,100
5. Riley Loos - 82,019; 6. Jeremy Bishoff - 80,150
* 112 participants, 36 of them with complete all-around program. > Detailed results
+ + +
♦ F I S U : 31st World University Games / Chengdu/CHN, Aug. 02
* ELITE (qual. / Final)
* ELITE (quali / FIN)
(-) Daiki Hashimoto (JPN) - 88,698; DNF)
1. Zhang, Boheng (CHN) - 87,699/86,733; 2. Shi, Cong (CHN) - 85,431/86,398;
4. Kazuma Kaya (JPN) - 84,998/84,098; (-) Lan, Xinyu (CHN) - 84,831/ ---)
5. Frederick Richard (USA) - 82,999/83,764; 6. Milad Karimi (KAZ) - 84,331/83,630;
* 60 participants (Qualification), 57 with fullprogram;
Hashimoto grashed on pommel horse and finished after 2 subdivisions > Detailed Results
+ + +
♦ G E R: German Championships / Duesseldorf/GER July 07
1. Pascal Brendel - 80,031; 2. Nick Klessing - 79,164;
3. Nils Dunkel - 77,965; 4. Maxim Kovalenko - 77,731;
5. Andreas Toba - 77,530; 6. Alexander Kunz - 77,465
* 42 participants, 33 of them with compete program
+ + +
♦ G E R : 34th German Junior / Youth Championships / Dillingen/GER, July 01
1. Daniel Mousichidis - 78,10 / 78,90 2. Maxim Kovalenko - 76,05 / 78,10
3. Gabriel Eichhorn - 76,00 / 77,25; 4. Mert Öztürk - 75,65 / 76,30
5. Jonas Eder - 74,85 / 76,40 ; 6. Alexander Kirchner - 74,15 / 76,85
* 24 juniors in in the age group 17/18 and 23 gymnasts in the AG 15/16 years: > German reports
+ + +
♦ E S A : Central American & Caribbean Games / San Salvador, June 27
1. Diorges Escobar (CUB) - 79,100; 2. Audrys Nin (DOM) - 78,900;
3. Dilan Jimenez (COL) - 78,150; 4. Andres Martinez (COL) - 78,050;
5. Maximiliano Galicia (MEX) - 76,400; 6. Isaac Nunez (MEX) - 76,150;
* All the 6 participants with complete all-around > Detailed results
+ + +
♦ N E D: Dutch Championshipsn / Rotterdam, June 24./25
1. Casimir Schmidt - 82,650; 2. Jordi Hagenaar - 81,000;
3. Bart Deurloo - 79,300; 4. Ronan Boers - 72,467;
5. Elias Ridder - 69,467; 6 Elwin Lok - 69,267.
* 18 participants but 6 (!) only with complete all-around!
1. Aaron Enser - 77,167; 2. Jayden Padon - 74,883;
3.Steijn Laschewski - 73,233; 4. Cas Keser - 72,967
5. Kyan Jacobs - 70,767; 6. Reduan Bottse - 70,250
* 15 juniors - 12 with full all-around program.
+ + +
♦ G E R : 9. ZAG Junior Cup 2023 (AK 15/16 + 13/14) Hannover, June 17
1. Nikita PROHOROV (GER) - 73,100; + 1. Dani Scheper (NED) - 73,100;
2. Vladiyslav Rozkhov (GER) - 72,700; 2. Enyo Widmeier (SUI) - 72,050;
3. Florian Grela (GER) - 71,550; 3. Raphael Wolfinger (GER) - 71,700;
4. Arne Heinz (GER) - 70,350; 4. Nino Reyero del Prado (NED) - 71,450;
> Detailed Results AG 15/16; > Detailed Results AG 13/14;
* 16 gymnast in Age group 15/16 + 38 gymnast in AG13/14 as part of the ZAG Team competition.
+ + +
♦ F R A : Intern. Friendly Meet (FRA/GBR/SUI/GER/ITA) Avignon / FRA, May 28
1. Romain Cavallaro (FRA) - 78,550; 2. Pierre Cassam Chenai (FRA) - 77,600;
3. Manoah Felicite (FRA) - 76,900; 4. Jonas Rushworth (GBR) - 76,750;
5. Ben Schumacher (SUI) - 75,300; 6.Rubens Borges Correira (FRA) - 75,000
► Report / Results
+ + +
♦ C A N : Canadian Championships / Richmond, May 21
1. Kenji Tamane 78,332 / 79,283; 2. Nathan Yvars 76,549 / 78,250;
3. Dorian Doan 76,266 / 77,650; 4. Mathieu Csukassy 76,616 / 75,833;
- Patrick Talbot 72,898 / 76,316; 5. Charles-Ètienne Lègarè 75,916 / 73,133;
- Even Fedder 73,432 / 74,133; 6. Elel Baker 70,765 / 75,433;
* 13 of 27 gymnasts with complete all-around program;
1. Xavier Olasz 76,632 / 77,583; 2. Blake Morfitt 74,699 / 74,500;
3. Jack Martin 74,332 / 74,650;; 4. Raphael Madore 73,382 / 75,066
5. Samuel Rakita 71,099 / 74,750;; 6. Connor Fielding 71,882 / 73,300
* All the 25 junior competitors with full all-around competition!
+ + +
♦ F I N : NORDIC Junior Championships Helsinki / FIN, May 19-21
1. Marcus Pietarinen (FIN) - 75,631; 2. Olof Antti (SWE) - 73,965;
3. Aaro Harju (FIN) - 73,832; 4. Viggo Altarac (SWE) - 73,099;
5. Oliver Lewandowski (SWE) - 71,765; 6.Antton Villonen (FIN) - 71,498;
* 42 vof 47 Juniors with compete all-around;
+ + +
♦ D E N : Danish Championships / Copenhagen, May 14
1. Aron Jacobsen - 74,765; 2. Oliver Kabel - 71,165
3. Sofus Møllgaard - 70,498; 4. Pedro Moltke-Leth - 69,998
5. Jamie Lewis - 81,200; 6. Joe Cemlyn-Jones - 79,100;
* 7 of 17 gymnasts with complete all-around program.
1. August Burvil - 69,865; 2. Mads Dehle - 67,831;
3. Bjarki Johannessen - 62,796; 4. Mathias Lawson-Smith - 56,297;
5. Jonas Rushworth - 74,750; 6. Trigg Dudley - 74,550.
* 4 of 8 Juniors with full all-around competition!
+ + +
♦ R U S -: Russian Junior Championships / Penza, RUS; May 14
1. Saveliy Syedin - 78,365 / 80,365; 2. Vyacheslav Viktor - 76,999 / 79,465
3. Timofey Akinshin - 77,665 / 78,199; 4. Alexander Shigalov - 77,698 / 77,332
5. Vsyewolod Korotkov - 76,766 / 74,698; 6. Fyodor Borzykh - 75,265 / 75,998
7. Matwey Akynshin - 76,898 / 74,132; 8. Sergey Zhabin - 73,866 / 73,465
9. Andrey Dmitriev - 71,698 / 74,866; 10. Vladislav Karepin - 72,199 / 73,133
* 44 von 48 Junioren mit vollem Mehrkampf
+ + +
♦ A U S : Australian Championships / Carrara, May 13
1. Heath Thorpe - 78,299; 2. James Hardy - 77,181;
3. Kipp Smith - 76,964; 4. Clay Mason Stephens - 76,664;
5. Ruben Chitters - 75,198; 6. Lachi Davis - 73,849.
* 13 of 29 gymnasts with complete all-around program.
+ + +
♦ G E R: Intern. Junior Team Cup Berlin, 13. Mai
1. Sergio Kovacs (ESP) - 78,000; 2. Chase Davenport-Mills USA) - 76,950;
3. Jonas Rushworth (GBR) - 76,500; 4. Alex Deubler (USA) - 76,350;
5. Kyano Schepers (BEL) - 75,900; 6. Damiano Ponzio (SUI) - 75,450.
* 42 von 47 Junioren mit vollem Mehrkampf
+ + +
♦ F I N : Finnish Championships / Tampere, May 07
1. Oskar Kirmes - 78,150; 2. Elias Koski - 77,500;
3.Tarmo Kanerva - 77,150; 4. Akseli Karsikas - 76,500;
5. Patrick Palmroth - 75,350; 6. Emil Wolvalin - 73,050;
* 9 of 28 gymnasts with complete all-around program.
1. Aaro Harju - 75,000; 2. Marcus Pietarinen - 71,750;
3. Alex Tukiainen - 71,250; 4. Aleksi Vesala - 68,800;
5. Liro Lehtisalo - 68,150; 6. Taavi Jaakola - 67,200.
* 29 of 41 Juniors with full all-around competition!
+ + +
♦ E G : 45th Europeans 2023 (Qual./FIN) Anatlya/TUR, Apr 11
1. Adem Asil (TUR) -83,665/84,965; 2. Jake Jarman (GBR)- 83,098/83,463
3. Illia Kovtun (UKR) -85,438/83,032; 4. Artur Davtyan (ARM)- 82,465/82,665
5. Noe Seifert (SUI) - 80,832/82,664; 6. Yumin Abbadinai (ITA)- 81,098/82,164
7. F.Langenegger (SUI) -80,798/81,865; 8. Pascal Brendel (GER)- 81,732/81,164
9. Lorenzo M.Casali (ITA)-80,998/81,132; 10. Thierno Diallo (ESP)- 81,166/79,899
* 77 of 81 gymnasts with complete AA program (> ECh-All-around, qualification)
+ + +
♦ F I G -: 2. Junioren-WM / Antalya/TUR 29. März 2023
1. Qin, Guohuan (CHN) - 80,199; 2. Angel Barajas (COL) - 80,131;
3. Riccardo Villa (ITA) - 79,665; 4. Tomuharu Tsunogai (JPN) - 79,664;
5. Timo Eder (GER) - 79,297; 6. Hamlet Manukyan (ARM) - 78,666;
7. Haruto Kamiyama (JPN) - 78,664; 8. Anthony Mansaro (FRA) - 78,266;
9. Yang Chunjie (CHN) - 78,231;10. Alex. Yolshina-Cash (GBR) - 77,964.
(> Detailed Results)
+ + +
♦ G E R : German ECh Trails / Kienbaum, 2023, March 30
1. Lucas Kochan - 79,700; 2. Pascal Brendel - 79,100
3. Milan Hosseini - 78,500; 4. Alexander Kunz - 78,300;
5.Nick Klessing - 77,900; 6. Carlo Hörr - 77,300.
* 11 of 15 gymnasts with complete all-around program. (> Detaillierte Resultate)
+ + +
♦ G B R : British Championships / Liverpool, March 23 - 26
1. Adam Tobin - 82,500; 2. Jake Jarman - 81,800;
3. Pavel Karnejenko - 81,400; 4. Joshua Nathan - 81,350;
5. Jamie Lewis - 81,200; 6. Joe Cemlyn-Jones - 79,100;
* 26 of 36 gymnasts with complete all-around program. (> full results)
1. Alexander Niscoveanu - 77,350; 2. Zion Aserie - 76,800;
3. Reuben Ward - 75,850; 4. Patrick Watkinson - 75,750;
5. Jonas Rushworth - 74,750; 6. Trigg Dudley - 74,550.
* 37 of 39 Juniors with full all-around competition! (> full results)
+ + +
♦ G E R : Team Challenge, DTB Cup / Stuttgart, March 17 - 19
1. Adem Asil (TUR) - 83,700; 2.Asher Hong (USA) - 83,500;
3. Tsuyoshi Hasegawa (JPN) - 83,250; 4. Takeru Tanigawa (JPN) - 82,900;
5. Ryosuke Doi (JPN) - 81,900; 6. Noe Seifert (SUI) - 81,050;
7. William Emard (CAN) - 80,250; 8. Milan Hosseini (GER) - 80,000;
8. Mario Macchiati (ITA) - 80,000.
* 27 of 68 gymnasts with complete all-around program.
1. Timo Eder (GER) - 77,750; 2. Max Odden (USA) - 77,450;
3. Volkan Arda Hamarat (TUR) - 76,900; 4. Maxim Kovalenko (GER) - 76,450;
5. Aaro Harju (FIN) - 75,850; 6. Xavier Olasz (CAN) - 75,650.
* 33 of 48 Juniors with full all-around competition!
+ + +
♦ R U S : RUSSIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS Kazan, March 08-12
1. Daniel Marinov - 85,898 / 83,932; 2. Nikita Nagorny - 83,732 / 82,564
3. Sergei Naidin - 82,098 / 82,598; 4. Kirill Prokopev - 80,598 / 81,565
5. David Belyavskiy - 81,098 / 80,765; 6. Viktor Kalyuzhin - 80,265 / 80,232
* 63 of 97 athletes with complete all-around program!
+ + +
♦ G E R : 46. Intern Turnament of Masters Cottbus, 23./24. Feb. 2023
1. Ilja Kovtun (UKR) - 81,398; 2. Usukbayar Erkhembayar (MGL) - 75,865;
3. Enkhuvshin Damaindirj (MGL) - 75,631 4. Filip Sasnal (POL) - 61,831
* Only 4 of the total of 191 participants in this individual World Cup completed (inofficial) an complete All-around program!
+ + +
♦ U S A : 2023 Winter Cup Louisville / Kentucky, February 24
1. Yul Moldauer - 85.342; 2. Fred Richard - 84.602
3. Asher Hong - 81.948; 4. Ian Lasic-Ellis - 81.905
5. Shane Wiskus- 81.200; 6. Riley Loos - 80.205
7. Joshua Karnes - 79.500; 8. Ian Gunther - 79.152
+ + +
♦ L U X : "Luxembourg Open; Luxemburg, 17.-19. 02. 2023
1. Robert Tvorogal (LTU) - 78,666; 2. Victor Martinez (BEL) - 78,399
3. Uri Zeidel (ISR) - 78,267; 4. IliaLjubimov (ISR) - 76,801
5. Takumi Onoshima (BEL) - 75,934; 6. Sebastian Gawronski (POL) - 74,568
* 10 of 16 gymnasts with complete all-around program!
+ + +
♦ I T A : 1st Italian Serie (A)"; Florence; 2023, February 10/11
1. Mario Macchiati - 82,150; 2. Riccardo Villa - 82,050
3. Nicola Bartolini - 81,300; 4. Lorenzo Casali - 81,250
5. Niccolò Vannucchi - 81,200; 6. Yumin Abbadini - 80,200
* 22 of 68 gymnasts of the 1st Italian league with full AA-program! mit vollem Vierkampf!!
+ + +
♦ U S A : 2023 Stanford Open / Stanford/Calif., 2023, January 27-28
1. Asher Hong 84,400; 2. Ian Lasic-Ellis 84,250
3. Khoi Young 84,000; 4. Riley Loos 83,700
5. Jeremy Bishoff 80,650; 6. Ian Gunther 80,600
6. Vahe Petrosyan 80,600.
* 13 of 35 gymnasts with full AA program.
1. Vahe Petrosyan 80,60; 2. Maxim Berznev 79,500
3. Anthony Koppie 77,150; 4. Toma Murakawa 74,700
5. Evan Hymanson 73,750;
* 6 of 7 Juniors with full AA program
+ + +
♦ C A N : Elite Canada / Sascatoon, 2023, January
1. Felix Dolci 80,365 / 79,933; 2. Kenji Tamane 74,464 / 77,964
3. MatthieuCsukassy 75,531 / 76,665; 4. Charles-Etienne Lègàre 72,464 / 74,064
5. Dorian Doan 73,899 / 72,098; 6. Ryan Woodhead 71,364 / 74,632
* 9 of 21 Canadian gymnasts with full AA program.
1. Trend Miiigan 73,565 / 72,464; 2. Ben Talbot 72,331 / 72,497
3. Jayson Rampersad 70,831 / 72,766; 4. Ethan Ikeda 69,198 / 73,198
5. Daniel Reynolds 72,099 / 69,631; 6. Trevor Ma 66,930 / 71,564
* 12 of 17 Candian Juniors with full AA program
+ + +
AGm - 2022 |
♦ R U S : Mikhail Voronin-CUP / Moscow, 2022, December 07
1. Daniel Marinov (RUS) - 83,565; 2. Ivan Zavrichko (RUS) - 78,765
3. Nikita Nagorny (RUS) - 78,665; 4. Artur Dalaloyan (RUS) - 78,298
5. Ivan Antonihkin (RUS) - 78,131; 6. Gagik Kachikyan (ARM) - 77,531
* 14 of 29 gymnasts from 6 different counties with full AA program.
1.Evgeniy Kisel /RUS) - 78,499; 2. Timofey Akinyshin (RUS) - 78,331
3. Daniil Novikov (RUS) - 77,198; 4. Saveliy Syedin (RUS) - 75,099
5. Roman Ryabov (RUS) - 74,964; 6. Vsevolod Korotkov (RUS) - 72,398
* 13 of 15 Juniors from 4 different countries with full AA program
+ + +
♦ H U N : Hungarian National Championships / Budapest, November 27.
1. Krisztofer Meszaros (Györ) - 84,500 2. Belond Molnar (Györ) - 79,400
3. Benedek Tomcsanyi (Györ) - 76,900; 4. Balazs Kiss (BHSE) - 76,700
5. Euan McLellan (CO) - 78,664; 6. Valgard Reinhardsson (ICE) - 77,798
* 6 of 9 gymnasts with complete AA program;
+ + +
♦ S U I : Swiss Cup Juniors / Zurich, November 25.
1. Manuel Berettera (ITA) - 76,550; 2. Tommaso Brugnami (ITA) - 74,250
3. Omar Ateyeh (SUI) - 74,000; 4. Kyano Schepers (BEL) - 72,850
5.Elijah Faverus (NED) - 72,450; 6. Fynn van Kampen (BEL) - 66,300
+ + +
♦ F I N : Northern European Championships / Jyväskylä, November 19.
1. Robert Kirmes (FIN) - 81,665; 2. Elias Koski (FIN) - 80,932
3. Joona Reimann (FIN) - 80,098; 4. Cameron Lynn SCO) - 78,864
5. Euan McLellan (CO) - 78,664; 6. Valgard Reinhardsson (ICE) - 77,798
* 34 of 48 gymnasts from 8 different nations with complete AA program;
+ + +
♦ G B R : 51st FIG-WOLDS 2022 / Liverpool, 2022, November 04
* ELITE (Qual. + FINALE)
1. Daiki HASHIMOTO (JPN) - (84,665) - 87,198; 2. ZHANG, Boheng (CHN) - (83,766) - 86,765
3. Wataru TANIGAWA (JPN) - (84,731)- 85,231; 4. Brody MALONE (USA) - (82,631) - 84,931
5. Jake JARMAN (GBR) - (82,365) - 82,865; 6. Asher HONG (USA) - (82,299) - 82,365
7. Illja KOVTUN (UKR) - (81,732) - 82,365; 8. Carlos E. YULO (PHI) - (84,664) - 82,098
9. TANG, Chia-Hung (TPE) - (80,698) -81,964; 10. Caio SOUZA (BRA) - (82,564) - 81,631;
11. Lukas DAUSER (GER) - (80,431) - 81,598;
* 24 WM-Finalists;
+ + +
♦ I T A : Italian Championships / Naplis, October 16.
* ELITE (Day 1 + Day 2)
1. Yumin Abbadini - 80,450 / 81,550; 2. Lorenzo Casali - 79,950 / 81,650
3. Nicola Bartolini - 79,900 / 81,300; 4. Mario Macchiati - 78,500 / 81,950
5. Lay Giannini - 78,350 / 81,600; 6. Lorenco Bonicelli - 78,700 / 80,700
7. Edoardo de Rosa - 80,100 / 78,600; 7. Roberto Marzocchi - 79,600 / 79,100.
* 34 gymnasts, 19 with complete AA program;
+ + +
♦ G E R : 2nd German WCh Trials / Ruesselsheim, 2022. Oct.15
1. Lukas Dauser - 82,732; 2. Nils Dunkel - 82,632
3. Lucas Kochan - 79,398; 4. Glenn Trebing - 78,165
* Andreas Toba only 4 apparatus (without floor & vault)
+ + +
♦ S U I: 2nd Swiss National WCh Trial / Magglingen, 2022, October 08
1. Noe Seifert - 82,850; 2. Andrin Frey - 81,650
3. Benjamin Gischard - 80,450; 4. Tim Randegger - 79,550
5. Florian Langenegger - 79,450; 6. Luca Giubellini - 79,050
7. Moreno Kratter - 77,950
* 11 competitors, 7 with complete all-around.
+ + +
♦ U S A : MEN's National WCh TRIALS / Colorado Springs, 2022, Sep 03 + 05
* ELITE (Tag 1 & --- )
1. Brody Malone - 86,750 / 86,050; 2. Colt Walker - 84,500 / 82,800
3. Shane Wiskus - 84,150 / 82,900; 4. Yul Moldauer - 83,950 / 82,800
5. Asher Hong - 84,600 / 81,500; 6. Donnell Whittenburg - 81,950 / 83,600
* 6 athletes only with full program;
+ + +
♦ R U S : All-Russian Spartakiade, Men / Kasan, 2022, Okt. 02
* ELITE (Tag 1 & 2 )
1. Nikita Nagorni - 85,465 / 81,365; 2. David Belyavsky - 82,631 / 82,398;
3. Daniel Marinov - 83,532 / 81,398; 4. Kirill Prokopiev - 80,464 / 80,932;
5. Sergei Naydin - 82,366 / 78,331; 6.Alexei Rostov - 80,131 / 78,098.
* 12 gymnasts with full all-around in the event. final.
+ + +
♦ G E R : German National WCh TRIALS / Kienbaum, 2022, Sep 01
1. Lukas Dauser - 82,550; 2. Lucas Kochann - 76,800;
3. Milan Hossein - 76,600; .......
* Andreas Toba injured; Glenn Trebing ill .....
+ + +
♦ G E R : 35. eg Wohnen JuniorsTrophy; Cottbus, 24. Sep. 2022
1. Alex. Niscoveanu (GBR) - 78,700; 2. Alex. Yolshina-Cash (GBR) - 77,250
3. Balazs Juhasz (HUN) - 76,300; 4. Mert Öztürk (GER) - 74,500
4. Istvan Mentovai (HUN) - 74,500; 6. Luc Löwe (GER) - 73,700
* 28 junior gymnasts representing 10 different nations.
+ + +
♦ T U R : BALKAN CHAMPIONSHIPS; Istanbul, September 16.-18
1. Altan Dogan (TUR) - 76,467; 2. Volkan Arda Hamarat (TUR) - 75,267
3. David Puicea (ROU) - 75,000; 4. Maksim Kzandzkiev (BUL) - 73,300
5. Norbert Marcu (ROU) - 73,233; 6. Istvan Mentovai (HUN) - 71,201
+ + +
♦ C H N : CHINESISCHE MEISTERSCHAFTEN / Hangzhou, 2022, Sep 04-09
* ELITE (Day 1 & 2: prelims & final)
1. Zjang, Boheng - 88,000 / 86,900; 2. Sun, Wei - 85,300 / 85,650
3. Yang, Jiaxing - 84,750 / 84,300; 4. Yin, Dehang - 82,900 / 82,500
5. Yang, Haonan - 85,550 / 77,500; 6. Wei, Guozheng - 80,000 / 81,250
* 108 gymnasts; 32 with a complete all-around; 24 gymnasts qualified for the AA final,
but only 9 with more than 80 points!
+ + +
♦ U S A : National Championships; Tampa / Fla., 2022, August 20
* ELITE (Day 1 & 2: prelims & final)
1. Brody Malone - 88,942 / 87,648; 2. Donnell Whittenburg - 84,774 / 86,797
3. Asher Hong - 85,480 / 85,730; 4. Fred Richards - 83,880 / 85,286
5. Yul Moldauer - 84,276 / 84,863; 6. Colt Walker - 83,846 / 85,203
7. Shane Wiskus - 84,423 / 83,006; 8. Taylor Burkhart - 82,573 / 82,852
9.Ian Lasic-Ellis - 82,950 / 81,100; 10. Riley Loos - 81,504 / 81,904.
* 14 gymnast with more than 80 points; 32 gymnasts with full all-around program.
+ + +
♦ P E R : South American Championships / Lima / Peru., August 18-22
* ELITE (Tag 1 & 2: 1.+2. Kür)
1. Santiago Mayol (ARG) - 78,800 2. Yuri Guimarães (BRA) - 78,450
3. AJossimar Calvo (COL) - 78,150; 4. Patrick Sampaio (BRA) - 78,000
+ + +
♦ G E R : 44th European Championships; Munich, Aug 18
1. Joe Fraser (GBR) - 85,565; 2. Ahmet Onder (TUR) - 85,131;
3. Adem Asil (TUR) - 84,465; 4. Joel Plata (ESP) - 83,731;
5. Noe Seifert (SUI) - 83,031; 6. Krisztofer Meszaros (HUN) - 82,999;
7. Lorenzo Minh Casali (ITA) - 82,531; 8. Jake Jarman (GBR) - 82,465;
9. Lukas Dauser (GER) - 82,164.
* 75 participating representing 38 different European nations;
+ + +
♦ G E R : 16th European Juniors Championships; Munich, Aug 19
* Juniors:
1. Botond Molnar (HUN) - 79,964; 2. Daniel CARRION CARO (ESP) - 29,032
3. Reuben Ward (BR) - 78,966; 4. Matteao Giubellini (SUI) - 78,665
5. Radomyr Stelmakh (UKR) - 78,663; 6. Riccardo Villa (ITA) - 78,631
* 74 participating representing 38 different European nations;
+ + +
♦ S V K : 16th European Youth Olympic Festival; Banska Bystrica, July 26
* Juniors:
1. Radomyr Stelmakh (UKR) - 79,900; 2. Riccardo Villa (ITA) - 79,850
3. Matteo Giobellini (SUI) - 79,500; 4. Danny Crouch (GBR) - 79,150
5. Daniel Carrion Caro (ESP) - 79,100; 6. Jan Imhof (SUI) - 78,450
* 84 of 92 participating gymnasts completed a full all-around,
representing 31 different European nations;
+ + +
♦ G E R : 1st National German ECh Trial; Kienbaum, July 16
1. Andreas Toba (GER) - 81,200; 2. Lukas Dauser (GER) - 80,900
3. Nils Dunkel (GER) - 80,600; 4. Glenn Trebing (GER) - 80,350
5.Carlo Hörr (GER) - 80,200; 6. Nick Klessing (GER) - 80,100
(10 candidates for the 44th ECh, Munich; 2nd Trial: August 06)
+ + +
♦ B R A : 2022 PAN AMERICAN GAMES; Rio de Janeiro, July 04-17
* E L I T E :
1. Caio Campos Souza (GRA) - 83,033; 2. Yul Moldauer (USA) - 81,767
3. Felix Dolci (CAN) - 79,333; 4. Lucas de Souza (BRA) - 78,500
5.Diogo Brajo Soares (BRA) - 78,433; 6. Andres Martinez Moreno (COL) - 78,399
( 52 participants,38 of them with full AA program)
* J u n i o r s
1. Frederick Richard (USA) - 82,200; 2. Angel Barajas Vivas (COL) - 76,350
3. Keynher Vera Carrascal (COL) - 76,100; 4. Joseph Tobias Lang (USA) - 75,450
5. Cole Corbin Partridge (USA) - 75,450; 6. João Victor Da Silva Perdigão (BRA) - 75,250
( 31 participants, representing 9 different nations; all of them with full AA program)
+ + +
♦ E G Y : 2022 AFRICAN CHAMPIONSHIPS; Cairo, July 08-11
1. Mohamed Afify (EGY) - 80,132 2. Omar Mohamed (EGY) - 80,132
3. Hillal Metidji (ALG) - 77,130; 4. Ahmed Abdelrahman (EGY) - 76,398
5. Abderrazak Nasser (MAR) - 75,108 ; 6. Ruan Lange (RSA) - 74,265
( 23 participants, representing 6 different nations; 11 of them with full AA program)
+ + +
♦ R U S : National RUSSIAN CUP; Kaluga, 2022, July 04-10
1. Nikita Nagorniy - 83,765 / 84,998 2. Daniel Marinov - 82,532 / 85,632
3. David Belyavskiy - 82,265 / 83,698; 4. Kyrill Prokopev - 79,998 / 81,431
5. Sergey Naidin - 79,365 / 81,598; 6. Oleg Teselskiy - 78,798 / 78,265
7. Viktor Kalyushin - 75,599 / 81,232; 8. Ivan Gerget - 75,498 / 81,164
( 26 participants with full program)
+ + +
♦ I C E --: Nordic Championships; Kopavogur, 2022, July 02/03
1. Sofus Hegemnsnes (NOR) - 81,148 2. David Rumbutis (SWE) - 79,231
3. Koakim Lenberg (SWE) - 78,183; 4. Harald Wibye (NOR) - 78,115
5. Patrick Palmroth (FIN) - 78,049; 6. Jacob Karlsen (NOR) - 77,982
( 28 participants, 20 with full program, representing 5 different nations)
+ + +
♦ G E R -: 87thGerman Championships; Berlin, 2022, June 23
1. Lukas DAUSER ( GER) - 81,850 2. Philipp HERDER (GER) - 80,700
3. Glenn TREBING (GER) - 80,600 4. Nils Dunkel (GER) - 79,550
5. Leonard Prügel (GER) - 79,450; 6. Andreas Toba (GER) - 79,000
( 35 participants, 31 with full program, representing 24 German clubs)
+ + +
♦ Q A T --: ASIAN Championships; Doha, 2022, June 15 - 18
1. Shi Cong (CHN) - 83,833 2. Carlos Yulo (PHI) - 83,767
3. Yang Jiaxing (CHN) - 83,733; 4. Tang Chia-Hung (TPE) - 84,600
5. Yin Dehang CHN) - 83,199; 6. Ryu Sunghyun (KOR) - 82,799
7. Koki Maeda (JPN) - 82,932; 8. Lee Junghyo (KOR) - 82,032
+ + +
♦ G E R -: U 18-Friendly Meet; Hanover, 2022, Juni 18
1. Jan IMHOF (SUI) - 78,600; 2.= Danny CROUCH (GBR) - 78,150
2.= Matteo GIOBELLINI (SUI) - 78,150; 4. Jukka NISSINEN (GER) - 77,900
5. Alexander KIRCHNER (GER) - 77,800; 6. Daniel MOUSSICHIDIS (GER) - 77,600
+ + +
♦ G E R--: Nachwuchs-Bundesliga (2), Juniors/Youth; Cottbus/Dillingen, June 04
1. Bryan Wohl (Vinnhorst) - 75,05;
2. Luc Löwe (Berlin) - 72,65
3. Florian Grela (KTV Ruhr) - 69,95 4. Anton Bulka (Halle) - 69,30
>> ... more Informationen
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♦ 2022 Oceania Championships; Carrara, May 22 - 25
1. Jesse Moore (AUS) - 82,298 2. Michail Koudinov (NZL) - 80,432
3. Clay Mason Stephens (AUS) - 80,265; 4. Heath Thorpe (AUS) - 79,098
+ + +
♦ 2022 (NCh) Australian Championships; Gold Coast (AUS), May 20 - 22
1. Jesse Moore - 79,566; 2. Clay Stephens - 78,998
3. David Tanner - 76,415; 4. James Hardy - 75,732
5. Benjamin Foster - 74,849; 6. Heath Thorpe - 74,699
(13 of 27 athletes with full all-around program)
+ + +
♦ 2022 South East Asian Games; Hanoi / VIE, April 13 - 16
1. Carlos Yulo (PHI) - 85,150; 2. Le Thanh Tung (VIE) - 84,050
3. Dinh Phuong Thanh (VIE) - 82,450; 4. Nguyen Van Khanh Phong (VIE) - 81,200
5. Van Vi Lung (VIE) - 79,150; 6. Luqman Al Hafiz Zulfa (MAL) - 73,900
(28 participants from seven different countries)
+ + +
♦ P O R --: Intern. GymSport; Porto 2022, April 30 - Mai 01
1. Josè Noguera - 76,350 (POR); 2. Guilherme Campos (POR) - 73,750
3. Marcello Marques (POR) - 71,800; 4. Adam Dobrovitz (HUN) - 70,900
5. Szabolcs Batori (HUN) - 70,400 6. Tarick Talbot (CAN) - 70,100;
(21 participants from four countries)
+ + +
♦ 2022 South America Junior Games; Rosario / ARG, April 28 - Mai 01
1. Angel Barajas (COL) - 78,068; 2. João da Silva (BRA) - 75,033;
3. Manuel Lopez (COL) - 74,233; 4. Thiago Ognibene (ARG) - 71,700
5. Bernardo Ferrera (BRA) - 71,367; 6. Guilherme Silva (BRA) - 71,068.
+ + +
♦ G E R --: Intern. Junior Team Cup; Berlin, April 30
1. Romain Cavallaro (FRA) - 79,150; 2. Daniel Mousichidis (GER) - 78,450
3. Jacopo Zuliani (ITA) - 77,550; 4. Justin Labro (FRA) - 77,550
5. Matteo Giubellini (SUI) - 77,200; 6. Jan Imhof (SUI) - 77,050
>> ... more information
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♦ F I N --: --: Finnish MEN's Euro Trials; Helsinki, 2022, April 29
1. Robert Kirmes - 79,031; 2. Tarmo Kanerva - 76,798;
3. Patrick Palmroth - 75,565; 4. Akseli Karsikas - 74,997.
+ + +
♦ J P N --: All-JAPAN CHAMPIONSHIPS; Tokyo, April 21-24
1. Daiki Hashimoto - 85,864/87,797; 2. Yuha Kamoto - 85,765/85,498;
3. Ryosuke Doi - 84,332/85,865; 4. Shohei Kawakami - 84,698/83,931;
5. Kazuma Kaya - 83,796/84,232; 6. Kakeru Tanigawa - 83,798 /84,599;
7. Wataru Tanigawa - 83,964/84,164; 8. Takeshi Hasekawa - 83,265/84,531;
* Out of a total of 159 participants, 76 gymnasts offered two full all-around events.
40 of them achieved over 80 points, 10 of them more than 84 points !!!
+ + +
♦ R U S --: National Championships; Kazan, April 15
!! No comments / reports about the Russian and Belarusian competitions
sanctioned by the world federation FIG - only factual overview of the results !!
* E L I T E :
1. Artur Dalaloyan- 82,198/81,031; 2. Kyrill Prokopyev- 81,664/81,166;
3. Victor Kalyushin- 82,432/79,863; 4. Sergei Naidin- 82,264/79,164
5. Daniel Marinov- 80,131/78,032; 6. Ivan Gerget- 79,464/78,579
* J u n i o r s :
1. Daniil Novikov- 79,532/79,832; 2. Artur Sinichkin- 80,631/78,665;
3. Saveliy Syedin- 74,532/78,365; 4. Fyodor Borzykh- 73,732/73,098
5. Roman Ryasov- 73,10872,198; 6. Ranel Safyulin- 70,566/74,364
+ + +
♦ I T A : Italy's Serie A; Turin, March 11/12
1. Matteo Levantes - 82,45; 2. Nicola Bertolini - 81,40; Lay Gianini - 80,85
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♦ U S A : MEN's Winter Cup, Frisco/Texas, 25. February 2022
1. Vitali Guimaraes - 83,950; 2. Khoi Young - 83,536; 3. Asher Hong - 83,029
4. Yul Moldauer - 81,648; 5. Colt Walker - 81,502; 6.Taylor Burkhart - 81,194
+ + +
♦ U S A: Liukin Invitational ; Frisco / Texas; 12. February 2022
1. Yul Moldauer -85,300; 2. Asher Hong - 85,000; 3. Austin Padgett -77,600
4. David Shamah -77,400; 5. Ignacio Yockers -75,600; 6. Michael Torres -74,200
AGm - 2021 |
♦ 2021 South American Championships - San Juan / ARG (Dec. 8 - 12)
1. Gabriel Barbosa (BRA) - 80,600; 2. Santiago Mayol (ARG) - 79,867
3. Johnny Oshiro (BRA) - 79,333; 4. Dilan Jimenez (COL) - 78,033
* SPANIEN: NCh - Pamplona, 3. - 8. Dec 2021)
1. Nicolau Mir - 82,667; 2. Thierno Diallo - 79,217; 3. Jordi Ribes - 72,782
* Juniors:
1. Daniel Carrion - 76,584; 2. Pau Jimenez - 75,517; 3. Pablo Ruiz - 74,317
* PAN AM (2021 Junior Pan American Games - Cali / COL; Nov. 26)
1. Vahe Petrosyan (USA) - 77,100
2. Luciano Mausicio Letelier Zuñiga (CHI) - 76,500; 3. Tobias Liang (USA) - 76,350
>> Results ; >> Teams
1. Caio SOUZA - 83,700
2. Francisco Barretto - 80,300; 3. Johnny Oshiro - 79,650
* Olympic Hopes Cup - Liberec/CZE, Nov 6/7
1. Szilard Zavory (HUN)- 77,100;
2. Botond Molnar (HUN)- 76.400; 3. Balasz Juhasz (HUN)- 75,100
1. Sofus Heggemsnes - 80,850
2. Harald Wibye - 80,500; 3. Pedr Skogvang - 79,950
1. Krisztofer Meszaros - 83,050
2. Benedek Tomcsanyi -77,250; 3. Scabolcs Batori - 76,100
♦ Nationale WM-Tests (WCh-Trials) - (in front of WCh2021, Kitakyushu)
* DEUTSCHLAND (7. October; Kienbaum/GER)
1. Carlo Hörr - 80,100
2. Glenn Trebing - 79,800 3. Leonard Prügel - 79,000
1. Joshua Nathan - 83,899
2. Joe Cemlyn-Jones - 81,697 3. Dominick Cunningham - 81,532