26. April 2003
Artistic Gymnastics

The German national team of male juniors won in Avignon/France the traditional meet with a score of 206,70 against the host France (203,40), the team of Switzerland (200,10) and the boys from Great Britain (190,70).

The excellent all-around winner came also from Germany: The European Junior Champion on bars (Patras 2002) Fabian Hambuechen scored 53,95 points.
Arnaud Willig (FRA/51,20) came on second place and the second GErman Waldemar Eichorn (49,55) was third.

25. April 2003
Artistic Gymnastics

China's National Sports Department has cancelled all competitions in May, so International Gymnast pronounced.
The National Sports Department held an emergency meeting, discussing the present condition of Guang Zhao, Beijing, and other cities areas dealing with rising numbers of SARS cases. The decision was made to cancel or postpone all national Chinese sporting events.
Cancelled are China's plans to send five female gymnasts next week to the 8-Country Meet in Groningen, Netherlands, as well as a separate exchange...

19. April 2003
Artistic Gymnastics

The Dutch company Janssen & Fritsen - the worldwide wellknown producer of the new vaulting table 'PEGASES' and longtime title sponsor of GYMmedia Online Service - has been selected as supplier of all the equipment for the Artistic Gymnastics event at the Olympic Games ATHENS 2004.

18. April 2003
Deva / Romania
Artistic Gymnastics

The Romanian newspaper Ziua wrote in an article this week, that the situation in the Romanian gymnastics center Deva continues to be tense, next to the abundance of problems that the trainers have had to face lately, another problem surfaced: the construction at the Deva complex and the worse thing is that the construction will last at least 4 years....

16. April 2003
Artistic Gymnastics

According to reports of the Romanian sports newspaper 'Gazeta Sporturilor' indications of poisoning have been recognized at the elite gymnasts in the training center in Deva.
Eight gymnasts have been struck by it for two days, among them Florica Leonida, Oana Ban, Oana Petrovschi and Monica Rosu.
In the newspaper report it is mentioned that the indications of poisoning at the gymnasts had been swollen faces, general sickness and dizziness. The doctors have not found the cause...
